Strategies for getting a moneyball back up in privates?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Undercover_Thudercat, March 24, 2011.

  1. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    I've yet to see it happen, either if my team drops it or the other team.

    Other people claim to have seen it happen. What's the strategy?

    I know one is to drop the other team's ball. Another is to try and build lots of turrets. What kind of turrets?

    I'd assume sniper and assault would be best. In pub games if I'm trying to keep the ball down, and it's just me as an assassin trying to keep it down (the rest of my team is just killing people), I've been foiled once by an ice trap, and once by an assault bomb. So I'm assuming that's your best bet right there.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    In reality, if a team is truely good, those won't help. GOOD people can hit the moneyball from outside your base, sometimes from inside their own base. There are MANY things you can do to hit it base-to-base, and on most maps the assault can bomb-jump to the enemy base.

    If you want to try anyway, you pretty much have to get ready to spawntrap them VERY TIGHTLY, and then kill them into their spawn, and try to hold them for 30 seconds. If you somehow prevent ANY enemies from leaving, it might go up. Especially if it is steelpeel.
  3. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    While I agree that it is nearly impossible, I've been told that it happens from time to time. I'm wondering how it does.

    What if everybody on the offensive team switched to assassin or assault, though? That would be just about impossible.
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I haven't played enough privates or scrims to note how well it works, but in pubs I will play as assault, kill the (assassin mostly) pro damaging the money ball. I'll bomb jump, charge, and fly to their base with juice, and spawn kill. Try to contain them again and since it's normally one person you can get it right back up. Assault's the best in this situation.
  5. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    If everybody is suiciding on your moneyball to keep it down, it's literally impossible, as far as I'm concerned.

    As an assassin, the moment the ball drops, I'm in suicide mode. I lunge/sprint over to the base, ignore anybody else and shuriken it. I'll try to survive, but completely ignore pros, just tagging the moneyball with shurikens to keep it down.

    Steel Peel - Lunge jumping off of the side wall to get to their base for a quick shuriken tag; lunge jumping from their top front bridge onto their base for a quick shuriken tag; take the back door to either shuriken from the back door, or hit it from the bridge gate where you can essentially snipe the moneyball with shurikens.

    Lazr Razor - Side bridges, underneath the side bridge. If all else fails, you can smoke bomb jump from their front bridge into their base.

    Grenade III - Pretty much anywhere you want to go from that middle bridge can get you to a shuriken spot within 5 seconds of respawn.

    Ammo Mule - Smoke bomb jumping into their base from the dome; jumping into their base from in front of the dome. There's a spot on top of the glass on both sides of their front bridges where you can snipe it with shurikens.

    Spunky Colo Base is penetrated easier than a drunk sorority girl during rush. I generally don't even need to change it up; I go straight from my spawn to their jump pad in front of our ejector. I go up, smoke bomb jump over the wall, reigning down shurikens as I'm falling down. I've never seen this foiled, so I hardly go for anything else other than to experiment.

    Now I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE to stop that, but when you also have 5 other people bum rushing the moneyball, doing anything they can to put damage on it to keep it down, not caring at all if they die in the process, can you see how that is a problem?
  6. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Assault should generally try to sneak out, buy juice, kill everyone damaging the moneyball and have his team regain map control and not allow them to tap your moneyball again. Note: this is next to impossible against an organized team
  7. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I would say it's impossible, myself. Turrets won't work for the most part, the only way to do it is to regain map control, and even then, an assassin or assault can suicide run on it.
  8. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    This is pretty much how I feel. I mean, I've faced pub stomping teams of 6 and have been able to hold their ball down by myself. The only time a ball goes up is

    a) I ADD out and go for kills
    b) I get caught in an ice trap and die before I can hit it
    c) I get rung out by an assault bomb before I can hit it.

    Even then, that's ONLY if I'm by myself. With even one other teammate helping me out, I've NEVER seen a ball go back up.
  9. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    And that's the inconvenient truth (lolalgorelol) about the moneyball. I'd say there is about a 1 percent chance it'd go back up against good people. Maybe less.
  10. ThePRLPer

    ThePRLPer New Member

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    Last night I was just playing to win with my assassin and at one point I only got a single shuriken off on the moneyball before I got bombed out by an assault. After I respawn and head over there as fast as I can the shields go up.

    Does anyone know the delay between the last hit the money ball receives and when the shields go up?
  11. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    ^It's 30 seconds. The shuriken must not have hit the moneyball, or the damage didn't register for some reason. I think it takes about 7-10 seconds, on average, to get to the ball from your base on any given map. With the 10 second respawn timer, theoretically you should have about 10 seconds once you get to their base to tag it.
  12. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    It SHOULD never go back up if you have even remotely decent people playing...

    The best chance you got if your ball goes down is to have your assassin push their bots in and drop their ball while they are all distracted on getting to your ball. At least you can turn the game into a dps race.
  13. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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  14. ThePRLPer

    ThePRLPer New Member

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    Guess you're right
  15. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    yeah I know your game all too well snarf. I can understand having difficulty in scrims and privates trying to get the ball back up, but you were making me rage in some games by yourself :lol: . Thanks for explaining your strategy so I know where you will be coming from :twisted:

    Yeah I haven't played enough scrims to try anything crazy to get the ball back up, but against easier people, or maybe one or two people who are rushing the ball, it's fairly easy. It takes a while to figure out but for the most part everyone has a pattern on how they get to the money ball, like you do. I remember playing you on spunky and figured out how you'd get to the jump pad and smoke bomb. I'd buy juice and try to contain you and the other assault damaging it. I want to say I got the ball back up once but you guys took it back down.

    In a scrim I'd figure having the assassin push bots, having the assault buy juice and kill as many pro's.

    This one is a long shot but maybe have the sniper push and ice trap their doors or key places.

    Is there anyway to form a chain of pro's around the money ball? Create a pro shield? I'd even have the assault hover over the ball lmao
  16. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Yeah, it's easy to figure out one person's pattern. But can you get 6 people's patterns all at once, and predict when they will switch it up?

    Moneyball timer really does need to go down to 20 seconds. It would make good games better and make it so that games aren't automatically over if the moneyball drops. Kinda like volleyball if you don't have the serve - you're at a control disadvantage and only they can score; but it's still possible to come back.
  17. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Wouldn't it be better to just make it so that Pro's attacks didn't affect the shield recovery timer? So that if a bot doesn't attack it in 30 seconds, the shield would go back up?

    That way, you still need to push bots when the moneyball goes down.
  18. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Yes, I do like this idea. I don't like how at that point the assassin isn't quite as useful. maybe a minimum damage requirement from pros can also keep it down as well?
  19. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    Assaults should just be able to hit their own moneyball with their bomb and the shields should go back up. It needs a buff anyway...

    Seriously though, the moneyball is fine as it is...If your ball drops you probably deserve to lose anyway. It means you weren't pushing bots effectively or just plain got outplayed. Either farm some kills while the other team suicides the ball or you and an assassin push a bot lane hard and hope to get the other teams ball down. When that happens they'll either fall back and you should be able to recover your moneyball if they're dumb or try and out dps them. However, if your moneyball goes down normally just put down the controller and think about how to play better next round.
  20. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Once I was playing a private and we managed to do it twice on Ammo Mule in one match (I think, it might have only been once)
    We simply killed the Assassin before she could get around the side and we managed to kill the Assault after he bomb jumped because he was low on health every time. It was hard because we didn't have full map control (both teams still sorta fighting for the dome) but we did it. It would be MUCH harder on other maps where you can't see everything at once.

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