Hi All, I wanted to ask people that are playing the alpha about strategic view. When I Played SupCom I found that I spent 80% of my time zoomed out. This meant that visually I was constantly looking at icons rather than actually watching the graphical carnage that was going on had I zoomed in. I would rather watch the battles zoomed in but that made me less able to coordinate my forces. Does anyone find that this is true with PA too?
For now it's true for PA too but I think it's less pronounced because basics units have a smaller firing range. It's a bit a shame that developers spend time to make beautiful units and animation when the only way to play efficiently is to play with icons. But it's still in alpha, perhaps with a bit more tactical battles I think PA could have the best of the two world: *Big scale economy/strategical maneuver of armies that use the strategic zoom. *Nice and interesting battle that would need to be more zoomed in.
will be difficult. its will be hard to specifically add combat value to being properly zoomed in. with strat view it made sense to mostly being zoomed out. i got round it in supcom with a second monitor but still found myself zoomed out a lot. I just think that TA was magic and no one will capture that magic again.
totally untrue for PA, even completely zoomed out you can see units and factories (with my icon pack that is, click here ↓)
all the youtubes i watch spend 80% or more of their time zoomed out. i liked supcom and i will like this but lets face it, we are just looking at icons the whole time like Angband
you're mad! each to their own i guess. but for me, part of the carnage of TA was actually watching the battles while trying to control it!
If you're watching a casted game then it's probably zoomed out so the caster can see whats happening over all points because they don't know what the players are going to do. If you're zoomed out you can then zoom in when you know whats going on
You can also lock the zoom and play on a close view, with a minimap opened. It's your choice if you want to see splosions
Currently its not too bad, thanks to reasonably sized units you can often still see the action at a good zoom level. Although there are those horrible horrible people in the scale megathread that want to make units so small you'll end up with Supcom icon wars.
If the units are smaller, you only need to zoom in more to keep the same view. With an orbital strategic zoom level you'll only have icons whatever the unit's size. (Seriously you don't want units so big they can be seen from space?)
No, but an useful zoom level to play the game is mostly defined by how large the planet is in regards to its units. Ie. I need to zoom out so far that I'm still be able to see a sizeable part of it. With large units on smaller planets, that means I can still see the action while interacting reasonable well with the game. If you make planets much bigger you need to zoom out more so you'll end up with only icons. The same if you make the units smaller. While the useful zoom level stays, units get smaller 'thus you can't see them anymore and icons again.