Just a suggestion, how about an option to color code the borders of the icons so that we can easier spot certain unit types. Colors of our choosing, defaulting at the current black. Unit types could be divided as such: Commander Structures Construction Units T1 Ground T2 Ground T1 Air T2 Air T1 Naval T2 Naval This way, you could easily spot key units, such as fab bots, without having to really examine the icons. I don't enjoy playing "Where's Waldo" when I look for units. Now imagine Waldo being the only colored part of the picture.
I thought this post was going to be about the relatively poor readability of the strategic icons in the alpha. It's a low priority thing, but the only real purpose of the icons is to let the player quickly assess what's going on in a big-picture sense. This means icons need to be simple and clearly distinct. The current icons are both busy and somewhat similar between similar units (especially factories). Not something that needs to be addressed immediately, but definitely needs to be looked at eventually.
I'm sure uber has plans for icon readability, what we have is just a first pass. I agree though hunting for key units in SupCom was a bit silly, things like strategic missile silos, strategic missile defense, etc should standout.
Well obviously this isn't an "address this immediately" thread. It's just a suggestion for the future. I'm aware the game isn't in a finished state, don't worry :lol: