Hello All, I would like to report a bug with more recent NVidia drivers - much older version does not have this issue, but more recent ones have it. Anyone knows what could be the cause? Regards
I'm actually impressed that you are even able to run this game with only 3GB of RAM and on Vista at that. I take it the blockiness of the graphics is because you are playing with a resolution scaling of 50%? Your computer may not like it, but do the weird shadows go away if you set it to 100%? What setting do you use for the shadows? Low? Can you try other values for that to see if it has any effect?
Hello, not only I can play 1v1, I can also run Chrome and Paint at the same time I have tried 100% scaling and shadows on Medium: I don't think game settings have anything to do with the issue; after updating the graphics driver from v307.83 to something newer this started to happen. This is an old laptop but it has been working well since 2010.
Yeah, I just wanted to see if the graphic settings would have any effect and maybe even fix it. I guess there was a regression in the drivers for your graphics card then. You'll probably just need to stick to the older drivers. Is there an increase performance between the newer and older drivers for you in PA or other games?
There is no difference in performance, just the drivers are old. I will install them back, but I am also thinking of a new machine, this one is not keeping up with games. Thanks.