Strange bug occuring during gameplay.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Kilroy, August 27, 2010.

  1. Kilroy

    Kilroy New Member

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    While playing, at seemingly random occurrences, my display will turn black for no more than a few seconds, then flicker back to normal. I still have complete control during the black, but it is highly disorienting and often got me killed.

    It is not a problem with my Xbox or my TV, this does not happen in other games, nor does it happen while not playing in general (using my TV for other uses, that is).

    It does not appear to be a host problem, because it was happening on the main menu as well.

    Is anyone else experiencing this, and if so, does anyone know a fix for this? It only started happening today, I've been playing for a week now and it has never happened.

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