Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by bengeocth, December 31, 2014.

  1. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    657 is a project that I would like some help with. It will be a system of tons of maps, each with a story of why the reason the battle is being fought. It will link directly to the Legonis Machina, Foundation, Revenants, and Synchronous's exploits across the universe.

    Each system you design must include:
    a str.txt file explaining dafuq is going on, as well as crediting yourself
    a system duh

    Each str.txt file must have:
    [Map Name]
    [ur name lel]
    [game type]
    [/////////////////////////////stroreh//////////////////////////] that is a joking slang for 'story'
    [what colors the players will be. this relates to the above story.]

    So, here is a str.txt file that I am making up, just to provide an example
    Radicalism Forged into Machines
    by bengeocth/CLASSIFIED
    1v1, 2 players, FFA

    This prominent Foundation-controlled system was prime in strategic access to other points of the universe, before the development of the teleporter, which allowed the transfer of countless amounts of units easily, and with very little cost, across an infinite plane. When traffic died down, the two foundation commanders grew restless- the higher, Acolyte Jrent, began becoming more strict on the rules of their demanding relegion. His inferior, Acolyte Fase, was sick of association with the Foundation, and thus succeeded. Of course, Jrent was prepared to annihilate his old subordinate for his disloyalty.

    Acolyte Jrent: Purple [Foundation Color], secondary color White
    Acolyte Fase: Pink [Rebel Foundation Color], secondary color White
    xankar likes this.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I was thinking of something similar, when scripting is possible I will have a hayday..
    bengeocth likes this.
  3. allister

    allister Active Member

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    Your ideas are similar to ideas I had. I was thinking of what we could do when/if saving comes. We could set up challenges where you start the player off with a base or an army or a combination of both, and we have to destroy any number of enemies. Such as:

    (all of these would be against AI)
    • You have a big group of T1 units, a small group of T2 units, a nuke, orbital radars, and a few orbital fabs (which could only build teleporters). Can you invade a fully occupied planet and destroy the enemy commander? You have the metal and energy for the orbital fabs but you can't build anything else.
    • Put the player in a really bad position and see if they can turn the game around and beat a 1v3 or something.
    You could try these as many times as you wanted, trying a different strategy each time until you finish it. Also, with saving we could make a whole custom campaign. Oh, the possibilities saving would create :D
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Moving this to the new mapping sub-forum. Carry on! :)
    bengeocth likes this.

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