sticky middle mouse button

Discussion in 'Support!' started by boolybooly, June 14, 2013.

  1. boolybooly

    boolybooly Member

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    I wanted to ask if other people are having this problem with the middle mouse function sticking on (rotating the map) when the middle mouse is released. Happens to me a lot and is a bit of a nuisance.

    I was thinking that I wish rotating the map was a right mouse button function. You could sort out the game to do this even when you have units selected, as moving the map would cancel the context order, just have to be precise with your orders and they will only activate on release.

    EDIT I think its when you rotate and the mouse goes over the edge of the map/screen, I think the rotation should carry on if you are moving the mouse but it stops which is another thing interrupting the flow of control.
  2. Ralith

    Ralith Member

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    Button releases are lost if they happen while the mouse is over a UI element (see FS#592).
  3. boolybooly

    boolybooly Member

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    Yes that makes sense, I have seen this problem in another beta.

    I will look at mouse movement beyond the screen edge more closely tomorrow, IMHO you should be able to make the world rotate by moving the mouse as far as your tabletop will allow, (not the screen size)! I have a Razer Goliathus mousemat and a button activated dpi change mouse and want to make full use of them to zoom around.

    I hope that we will not need to make a mod to change the rotate key to right mouse button and that we can do it by selecting a "convention" ie a set of key assignments which work well together. But I am mentioning RMB now because I think the game will need to be set up so that RMB will work due the potential for interactions with the unit command context orders.
  4. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Turn on mouse lock in the settings and it will fix this.

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