I understand that if you get pushed into your base its very hard to get out but why are servers taking it out of their rotation?
Maybe the admins in question just don't like it? Back at the beginning of the beta I left it out of my rotation, but I put it back in.
A lot of people don't like it. I was the same way for a long time, but it doesn't bother me that much anymore.
After they added the glass, it became much more playable. No more tape-down-the-trigger base-to-base sniper spam It does still often turn into a turtle-fest though
I've never understood how anyone can successfully turtle on Steel Peel. Coordinate some airstrikes with some mortar fire and you can rip up even the innermost base turrets with very little trouble, and still pop in and out of cover doing it. I rather like the map because it's got the best offering in terms of Z axis combat. Spunky's a close second, but Steel Peel has so many avenues for attack it's insane.
I just had a game where we got turtled in, but for the most part I really like Steel Peel arena. It's the smallest map, which adds a lot of variety that otherwise wouldn't be there. As someone stated before, it involves a lot of Z-axis combat.