So for 360, we all know an update has to sit in Microsoft's hands for some indefinite amount of time, so updates have to be pretty slow and deliberate. On Steam, developers seem to be free to post patches as often as they please. Does Uber have a plan for coordinating releases between Steam and 360? Will Steam updates be held up to wait on 360 releases? Or will Steam get more frequent incremental updates which are occasionally rolled into larger 360 updates to bring that up to date?
Steam will obviously receive faster patches. The process is streamlined for developers and there's no Microsoft holding everything up.
Wait, doesn't uber have an auto update in their system? like how Bullseye came in as Green/Red (Christmas Refrence). Is a patch different?
The color change is a server-side change via Live update. As I understand it it doesn't actually change anything of the core game data on your xbox. A *real* patch on the other hand changes stuff on your end. You can easily release two new patches on Steam while Microsoft is still certifying your first patch.
I'm worried that the Steam patches will be free, like the TF2, Left 4 Dead etc. patches and updates, while the console version will come with a price
DLC maybe but not patches. Have never had to pay for any of my console patches. Uber could change weapon damage faster, but not a glitch that makes, I dunno, jackbots fly.
You have to BLAME Microsoft for that, and if possible protest against it. What shouldn't happen is PC version being hold back on updates because of XBox