Stats Emphasis

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by eido740, December 3, 2010.

  1. eido740

    eido740 New Member

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    Obviously the main measure of how much you help your team is supposed to be money earned. However, I've found that someone who is not helping their team at all but makes sure to hit bullseye every time he's up and kill/assist jackbots can earn much more money than someone pushing a bot lane, controlling the map, building turrets for defense, etc. The money makes sense, but those two sources of money overshadow anything else (except huge kill streaks, maybe).

    One other thing: on the stats page in the locker room, I can see my money earned, my kills, my deaths, and my K/D ratio. What I CAN'T see, however, is my wins, losses, and W/L ratio. I can see my wins by going into the leaderboards but I have no idea how many matches I've played or lost. It's more of a measure of how long I've played than how often I win. I'd assume that win/loss ratio would be the best indicator of how good a player is.
  2. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Full games won/lost would be an indicator, but just having "games" period would skew things tremendously when you get involved in partial games. Most of the time, you know you just got in because of quitters.

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