State of UI crashes

Discussion in 'Support!' started by AyanZo, July 30, 2014.

  1. AyanZo

    AyanZo Active Member

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    For me the game in this build has reached the point there hard crashes are only caused by high unit count, but the CUI crashes are the most annoying. Given I have my process manager running in another monitor, I can see all the Coherent UI threads die, several times a game, it's not a warm fuzzy feeling when I see a log of thread deaths.

    I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone else this build, in that stability in the game engine has increased.. but CUI crashes appear to have had little to no improvement in terms of their frequency since the release of gamma. In my case, selecting large groups of units or double clicking a type to grab say.. artillary usually ends up with the UI crashing when there's a mass of only about 200 or so units. I think it's more the quick selections combined with the remainder of the game load.. perhaps a race condition?
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I can say for sure that Coherent crashes is largest problem in Linux build atm.
    Coherent crash mostly every time once game is started in lobby. :(
  3. phoenix2700

    phoenix2700 New Member

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    The UI crashes make the game nearly unplayable. If I make rapid movements with the camera, there is roughly a 75% chance that the UI will crash and instantly end the game. That means I can't use the planet selection buttons in the upper right corner of the screen, and I can't zoom in too quickly. I'm pretty much done with this game until this gets improved.
  4. welshenzie

    welshenzie Member

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    A few weeks ago I was having UI issues where after a while of playing the build menus would vanish and the escape menu would display on the left. I could still command units and build things using hotkeys but I no longer had the UI on screen to click. Its been fantastic tho the last two weeks so they must have sorted the issue that was causing it for me.
  5. normantis

    normantis New Member

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    I hear you. Coherent UI is propietary software. I wonder if Uber can even fix it or do they have to wait for Coherent UI guys to look at it? If this is the case we could be in for a long wait.

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