G.W. was a terrible speaker and he had the presidency for eight years. I know that almost every word out of a politicians mouth will be a lie regardless of their party affiliation; what I want is for my elected officials to at least be engaging when they speak and make me feel good about the horrible ways s/he is about to screw me. Great oration is like lube for us huddled masses...
I disagree - he has done a lot, actually. It is just do those things matter in the grand scheme of things, and are they things that you care about or agree with, and how will they paid for? It is kind of funny, when you do a Google for "what has" it auto suggests "what has Obama done" and this site comes up - I could see a lot of people not liking some of the things he has done, but he HAS done things; http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/
I think I'll have to side with MLG on this one - you just can't look at where we are today and think he's been a good president. He is a charismatic speaker, no doubt. But so was Hitler. -More **** is government regulated, meaning we the people have less control over it (and plus, government regulated ANYTHING sucks ***. See: DMV) -Increasing national budget. Yes, Republicans are largely responsible for it, but he's done nothing to make it better; only worse. -Decreasing favor in the eyes of foreign nations; we're now on the brink of ******* World War 3. All he's done about it is "sit down and talk" with some of America's biggest enemies. -Price of oil per barrel has gone up significantly; we are still largely dependent on foreign oil. Despite the fact that Alaska and a few other spots in the United States have significant oil reserves that could drastically reduce the price of oil and our dependency on foreign oil, Obama refuses to drill in these places for fear of killing a few clams. Basically, he took a bad economy and made it 10000x worse. He took dwindling faith in our economy and destroyed what faith we had in it. He promised us change, and he was right. In fact, change is pretty much all anybody's got left. I'm not saying Republicans are any better; when every decision comes from religion (what you think an invisible voice in your head is telling you to do), you are not fit to lead this country. What we need is a businessman who understands how to balance a budget. That simple. Mitt Romney sucks. Newt Ging sucks ***. Obama is horrible. Despite what progressive college students would have you believe, Ron Paul is a nutcase and a religious fanatics. tl;dr We're screwed.