To Anyone in the know! Hey, Hardnailz here. So i was considering re installing PA for another go, was just wondering if the game had come along at all? I was a big Total Annihilation player and SupCom player and was wondering if this game had reached or even surpassed those epic strategy games yet? Here is what im wondering: 1. Units - Do we have a fleshed out and decent unit pool at least on the level of TA or SupCom? 2. Are the planets a little more featured with more mountains and the like instead of just flat balls? 3. If not, Is it planned to add units and the like and bring the game at least to TA or SupComs standard? I imagine this has been asked before but i was quite disappointed when i last played. this game has so much potential to be the best RTS to date but without these additions i fear it will sink into obscurity. I always thought the idea that everyone has the same identical units was a unique idea (Not bad by any means!) and i reasoned "Well, if you don't have to make different units for each team, maybe the unit pool will be huge!" but so far my hopes have been futile. So to sum up! If the unit pool hasn't expanded and the planets haven't become a little more interesting, Are these confirmed and in-the-works or not? (Please do not take anything i've said as bashing the game, i just really have high hopes for this and want to see it really come along as a good game!) PS. If at all possible and answer from a developer regarding my queries would be very much appreciated. Thanks! - Hardnailz.
1) There are no where near as many units as SupCom, but, there are orbital units including the Hallies, Jigs, Orbital fighters, etc., that no other RTS game as used. It's almost it's own tier, kinda like tier 3. I am expecting more units since there has not been any new units for a while, so the current ones are most likely not final. 2) The planets were never "flat", they had mountains and caverns. The new system editor allows this to be created. 3) Same as #2 Also, mods add some pretty cool new units like the orbital warfare overhaul mod.
About 2) The last update feature a major update to the system edtior. Custom planets as well as symmetric planets are possible now. This means people can build maps with any sort of layout they want and the system used to do it is quite powerful (though the editor is still pretty new, so a little buggy) See i.e. this video of a game on a custom "planet": 1... I personally have high hopes for the december patch as it was stated to have balance changes.