It took a while but finally it's stable enough to implement. Racquemis Server #1, #2, #3 and #4 are now tracking player statistics. Currently these stats can not be viewed, since the webpage that will show them is still under construction. However it is possible to request your rank and top10 from within the server itself. Statistics: Most you can think of is tracked Currently all stats are only stored accumulatively. Future versions may include stat history. The tracked stats are: - Kills - Deaths - Assists (broken, Uberent needs to fix) - AveragePing - LastOnline - BestKillstreak - BestMultiStreak - SingleLifeJuiced - TotalJuices - Matches Played - For Hotshots - For Icemen - Turrets Built - Turrets Destroyed - Fodder Kills - Hazards Used - Earned Money Rank: Ingame there are four commands you can type to get your rank or a top10: rank: Returns your position on the server your playing on globalrank: Returns your position across all servers in the network. top10: Returns top10 on the server your playing on. globaltop10: Returns top10 across all servers in the network The server will respond with an ingame chat message that is visible for everybody. Each command can be used once every 2 minutes for each player. Points: For there to be rank points are needed Points are earned for every action you take ingame. These represent how usefull you have been to the team rather then solely based on kills. Team actions like building, upgrading and destoying turrets, destroying bots give slightly more points then a kill. Server Player Log: Besides tracking statistics for the players this system also has uses for admins. All MNCID's,Names and LastOnline are stored in a database.This give admins the ability to followup on reported players. Admins won't have to rely on others player supplying MNCID's of cheaters. all are stored. Since each MNCID is stored admins also know the number of unique players Try it out: Racquemis Server #1: unreal:// Racquemis Server #2: unreal:// Racquemis Server #3: unreal:// Racquemis Server #4: unreal://
uberent gave us the tools to do it ourselfs (webadmin) :lol: I may eventually make this system available to the public if i get the time to clear up some code. This script really gives some great insight in server population. Since i started it already recorded 891 individual players.