I was wondering when the development team will implement AI starting on different planets? This is one feature I'm really looking forward to (and probably the most unique feature of the game). Also, I haven't played multiplayer yet (recently started playing the beta), do human players start on different planets? If the dev team read this - Great work so far guys, keep up the good work. I hope you don't have to rush things too much to meet the deadline in December - Personally, I wouldn't mind if it takes a bit longer to release a well crafted game with loads of features (and the game will get better reviews as a result). I think the UI and navigation controls could do with some work, but I expect this is being worked on as we speak.
It's coming of course, the Beta isn't done yet. Next time You should do a Forum Search before posting, chances are your questions will have been already fully or at least partially answered. Mike
Thanks for you reply, I'm quite aware the game is not yet finished. I doubt there has been any information on this from the developers, but I'd like to know if any new information becomes available.
And as said in other threads on this very subject, that it has been mentioned as a goal on numerous occasions and is definitely planned but not implemented yet due to the fact that we only just got the first pass of interplanetary about a week ago in the first Beta Build. Mike
Hey Guys, since the thread is already here, and i did a search but, well i can't find anything about it threw all the forum post mania you guys know if its confirmed that we will get asteroids and / or asteroid belts ?` Greets Pleasure
Considering you can't put engines on an asteroid to crash it onto a planet without having....asteroids.....yes. Mike
True sorry for beeing a newb a little have to read through the wiki and all stuff.. will take a while to get up to speed.