start to belive in future this game will be amazing!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kalherine, July 7, 2013.

  1. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Haven´t try yet play vs other players.
    For now only play to see how all works what eatch unit or structure does, the week or strong things it got, that good or bad moves i can make ,the good or bad tactics i can use.
    Now i don´t like some things in the gameplay, UI,menus builds, icones off ACU or engeniers off select , assist or reclaim too large the unbalanced things, its normal.
    Selectind units ,assist or reclaim don´t work well,and many other things,but its normal,the game its still a child, its alpha.
    All are growing up in the right way to at the and all can be into the right place.
    Im always very negative about rts games , since almost all RTS going on the same ideas, pass some time becomes boring.
    But indeed PA its change the way you think about rts games.
    I start to see that this PA game its totaty diferent from any other ,got a tremendous potential.
    And bether will have an beautiful look...
    Sry about the usual bad english its not my native language.

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  2. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    "start to belive in future this game will be amazing!"
    Hey, you're a little late ;)

    I would encourage you to try online play, it's not that hard. Everyone is still trying tactics and learning. And every update will change the balancing so we all have to rethink what we do. Meaning there is no established we-roll-over-your-base-elite. It's quite fun.

    Have you played TA or SupCom before? If not then yes, its a whole lot different than any other RTS. But in its current state its really like playing TA back in the old days.

    Damn, I love this type of RTS :D

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