Will you guys ever add star ships to the game that don't just stay in orbit. Like mother ships and fighters?
Eventually........maybe but keep in mind it isn't really within the scope of the game. I'd rather see them use the PA Engine to try for a more Homeworld-esqe RTS instead of trying to shoehorn it into a game where the focus is Ground Combat. Mike
Hey Guys I was thinking about the galactic war... I think we need star ships, or how you imagine you can go to other solar systems? With an astreus? I think this would be a bad idea. How would interplanetary travel look like? What do you think?
I see you're new to the forums, and welcome! You should do a search before posting in accordance with forum rules. Your question gets asked frequently and is even answered in the FAQ. No. There will not be Star Wars or Star Trek style space combat. Maybe down the line, but even then it's not apart of the scope of the planet. No. We don't need star ships. The Galactic War is a meta game. You won't be fighting on multiple planets across a galaxy all at once. You get to other solar systems inbetween turns. There won't be any intersolarsystem travel. Check out this thread for an explanation of what the Galactic War is.
We don't need these for the Galactic War. The Galactic War is a meta game. You won't have battles going on in two different solar systems at once.
The basic idea from Total Annihilation being that "a teleporter and a lathe is faster than any star ship". Although using the distances that a Galactic Gate works with, it's probably better to think of it as a "wormhole".
Yep, folded space makes building a war-fleet kinda pointless when you enemy can simply appear at your capital building with a disintegration gun. Its al;so the likely cause of humanity downfall, as the necessary response time for a attack has to be within hours (Or even minutes) or the enemy will have won the battle and simply left.
First I wanne see what Uber will give us in Orbital. But an expansion with orbital warfair might be fun just for the heck of it.