Stacked Team

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Demitros, December 31, 2010.

  1. Demitros

    Demitros New Member

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    Some sort of device that keeps teams balanced with most and least experienced. I'm not level 85 or anything like that, just to clarify. I am in the double digits and ending up on a team comprised of single digit level players is pretty terrible when the other team has a set of thirties and upwards or what have you. That's the only ugh moment I really have in the game.

    I imagine it's also a pretty terrible experience for new players to have the other team reenact the entirety of "Stomp the Yard" on their faces. I realize, though, that there would be a compromise with 'playing with friends' if that ever came to fruition. I think that would be understandable.

    This seems reasonable. Is this reasonable? 10 reasonables
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    The auto-matchmaking need some love, agreed. But don't be intimidated by the levels. I have a fairly high level but that doesn't mean I'm a good player. My point is, if you see a player with level 50 or something he can be very good or he can play Tank or Assassin for the first time and be horrible. The only thing the level actually tells you is if a player is likely to hear the hum of an Assassins cloak or if he knows where all the jumppads and ejectors are located.

    Getting the auto-matchmaking right will be no trivial challenge for Uber but I have faith that they will improve it. And it will get better once Uber has more data about a player that they can use for matchmaking.
  3. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Wait, you mean there's actually a match maker and it doesn't scramble people randomly into teams?

    But ya match making on a game with privately hosted dedicated servers with various pings, different classes and builds, people levelling and training in coop modes, it's going to be a real nightmare... imo it's the kind of stuff that could be managed by the community and I'd rather see them spend time and resources on developing tools for server admins to export and import data from a website or an internal database which would help do that match making rather than slap some ready made middleware system pretending to be universal.
  4. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Level doesn't mean a lot. You can get to level 40 by playing Exhibition all day, doesn't mean you're a good player.

    And some of the low-level players are XBox360 veterans who just recently moved over.

    Level and money doesn't say anything.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think purely random would be better than a balancing algorithm.

    The big problem with a balancing system is that if it's wrong and creates bad teams once, it will just keep on creating those same bad teams over and over.

    At least with a purely random system, there would be a reason for people to stick around for the next game, in the case of uneven teams.
  6. trogdor5

    trogdor5 New Member

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    Some sort of system based on how much money players have earned in the previous match/es would be good imo. They're always be imbalance, I agree, but the amount I see in some games is just ridiculous. I recently played in a server with a high level assassin and it seemed every game that we were on the same team, we won quickly (until one game the teams were pretty even).

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