2 times while playing that arena it freezes my game while im about to win. Anyone else had this problem?
I had no problem the couple times I ran that arena, however my xbox did freeze for the first time on MNC today. It was on LR though, and I'm pretty sure it's because I had just gotten a kill, was on fire, and taunted. (that's how I got my avatar, taking a picture of my frozen screen) It was actually kinda cool, other than my xbox freezing.
So the new update has freeze issues good to know its not just me well good luck to all that have this issue hope they fix it soon.
Bumping this because my xbox just froze twice inside of one game. Since the update my xbox has frozen about 4-5 times, which is weird because it had never done it before.. Today I was on Spunky Cola and it froze.. so I restarted my box and joined back in the same game, froze again. WTF?
No problem's for me. Well, no more than usual. Sucks to hear that it might be causing problems on other people system, But it is probably due to another contributing factor. I've never heard of an update or download being the cause of a freezing issue before :/
My one and only freeze was a few hours after downloading the DLC. I was playing as a tank on Ammo Mule.
Goes to show that what Microsoft really does for a month while certifying DLC is actually just scratching their butts :lol:
I think Spunky is the worst because of the bouncer spawns, but it has happened to me on other maps too. It's always either me taunting while a lot of stuff is going on, juicing to survive an airstrike, and other really laggy situations.