A question that's bothered me for some time: When I pick up speed boost, on the side of the screen it'll sometimes tell me I have Gold Speed then when I pick up another immediately after that it'll sometimes tell me I have Bronze Speed and other times I have Silver. Is this just a glitch with picking it up? After all, you do move faster regardless of what it tells you. One more question: How long does speed boost last and does the timer reset when you pick up another?
Move it yourself, lazy Americans.....EH!!!! And its just happen sometimes, nothing effects you, or shouldn't.
You know speed pick-ups stack right? and you keep it until death. For example: 1 Pickup = Bronze Speed 2 Pickups = Silver Speed 3 Pickups = Gold Speed 4 or more Pickups = Gold Speed with a temp. boost.
What happes is that when you pick up a speed boost not only do you get bronze speed( in case you had no speed before) but on top of bronze speed you get a temp speed boost. This speed boost is what does fade away after some time and thats why it seems yo run slower, but you still have bronze speed.