It has been brought up before, and it was mentioned it was not possible due to the Unreal engine's capabilities or something along those lines. That's unless someone feels the need to correct me on this. :shock: It's certainly something that would have been great in a game like this though. :|
well i'm not sure, but... there's already a command for recording, it simply doesn't record properly (i think), since you can't play the demos back but it's definitly not true that the unreal engine is not capable of it. i mean, a demo is basically a log file, containing the input of everyone throughout the game, all this stuff is being processed anyway, (and might even already get logged), just need to make some encryption, so that ppl can't easily change the demo/log files itself, but only record from the demo and then make changes (for fragvids/whatevers) (ofc, depending on how the game handles input, there'd need to be some extra code to handle the input from a demo instead of a player, which might be alot of work) edit: ohw also... if the replay would have different views (such as 1st person/3rd/freeview/whatever) then ofc code for spectator view would have to be added aswell. and for any scoreboard/keeping track of stuff/uistuff that spectators/replays usually have.. thats also more work... so ye.. quite a bit of work to get done properly, but not impossible (probably not even all that hard... just tedious)
That was more about seeing the final kill/highlight a la CoD. I believe they haven't officially addressed the Spectator part yet.
was just doing some motivational stuff there but yea, as long as it doesn't screw up their original plans