I've recently started digging through the game packages for sounds. I think a lot of people take the music in this game for granted, it really does a wonderful job of helping to set the mood. I actually found a few unused songs and they sounded really cool too. Well really, I just kind of wanted to let him know that I care about the audio work he's done. From the theme song to the bullet fire this guy made the sounds we know.
The sound adds so much to the game! I had to play a couple of days without sound on the Xbox (waiting for a cable) and it really felt like half the game was missing. I'm really looking forward to MNC DLC and MNC 2 in the hope that we will get more acoustical goodies - and Mickey Cantor, Pitgirl, comments, arenas, Pros... =P
I've been sold on Howard's work since Demigod. Demigod's track was truly out of this world. MNC's track really captures the future sport setting superbly well.
I read a review there a while back, complaining that the guns didn't have enough "weight" to them The Jet Gun was singled out. I then used a surround headset. THE JET GUN SOUNDS LIKE A THOUSAND JUMBO JETS CRASHING INTO THE SUN Also, I swear I still hear new-to-me Mickey Cantor lines.