Spawn Camping

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Z Bear, November 3, 2010.

  1. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    This isn't intended as a whine or a tantrum, just FYI. If you have played with me on the pubs and your coordinated team has taken over the base and is spawn camping, I will leave the game. I know a lot of people call it "rage quitting," but trust me, there is no rage involved. It's just a game. But the minute it ceases to be fun (and trust me, I have lots of fun even when I'm losing) I no longer have any reason to stay in the game. And nothing sucks the fun out of a match like a firebase and two gunners guarding the entrances to your spawn.

    I was dissapointed last night to play with several well known forum members, only to find them doing this. Needless to say, I found another game. I'm well aware of the fact that griefers will grief, but I would like to think that most of the people on this forum, at least, would like to keep the game fun for all involved, so that the game will continue to have a growing userbase.

    Devs, have you ever considered putting an "ejecter" button inside the spawn that would clear the upper ring? Or something like that? just a thought. Seems like at least that part of your base should be fairly difficult to camp in.

    Regards, Z Bear
  2. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i've ran into spawn camping in this game before and it never really bothered me until last night.
    or should i say early this morning. lol
    i got into a room on a losing team with seconds left ok that fine.
    of course we los4e so my whole team leaves but 2 of us. the next 4 games ended up being me and him or us and a third against 6 players. pretty much could not get out of our spawn on steel peel and ammo mule once they had us locked. funny thing is when players do this they usually ignore the money ball and farm spawn kills for stats. i found that if you just sit in your spawn and go smoke a cig they get pretty upset and send nasty messages. lol because they cant pad their k/d no longer.

    btw i love the idea of having a button inside the spawn to clear the imediate area.
    also anyone that says get better has no buisness in this discussion. when i play with my team i almost always win. but when playing pubs with randoms this is a problem.
  4. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    there not spawn camping, there spawn killing, spawn camping is what 90% of snipers do in this game

    2 people can push out an entire team of 6, me and my friend have done so, we pushed them back and won the match, it isn't a very easy thing to do and the other team must not of been in a party to let it happen. i spawn trap people, but then go for the ball, if i see someone run out, there my first target so i can continue to destroy the ball.
  5. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Pretty sure you're talking about my squad. And if so..

  6. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    It's the same thing. Spawn killing is killing someone right when they spawn/exit their spawn. Spawn camping is camping their spawn area so you can then kill them the second the opportunity presents itself.

    The latter is more appropriate for the spawn system in the game, but they're the same thing, essentially.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  8. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    I'm not sure if it was your squad or not, I remember a few of the names, but not all. Point being, I didn't say that you shouldn't spawn camp/kill/twiddle/whatever you decide to call it. I just said, expect me to leave the game (and my wife too, if she is playing with me at the time).

    I did read the thread I was directed to. Seems to me that the 'gamer' group that frequents the forums has a pretty silly idea about who the average player (i.e. the players whose money makes the games you like profitable) is, and what will keep them playing. See, most of us have lives, haven't played every fps that has come out in the last 10 years, and would know better than to admit it even if we had.
  9. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I'm pretty sure the Devs came up with a solution to this.

    If I'm not mistaken, they've added some ducts above the spawn bases so that Pros can use those as well as the standard exits to enter the arena. This way, opposing Pros can't (or at least, the chance has been severely reduced) Spawn Camp.

    As far as it goes on how to access these vents, I'm not sure. Perhaps there's a jumppad that catapults you up into it, or maybe several platforms that will lead up to it like a miniature staircase.

    Convenience favors the former over the latter. Though, with the new feature added where no Jumppad whatsoever will start out automatically activated (as is the case with some arenas that have some already accessible), the addition of ducts seems to be a "use-if-necessary" addition, albeit a very helpful one.

    Of course, that assumption only applies if the new exits are accessible via Jumppad.

    We'll know as soon as the new DLC comes out.
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I was under the impression that the new heat ducts are hazards which cause damage over time if you stand on them (IE: What currently what happens on top of the bot spawn machines) rather than additional exits from the spawn.

    If this is true, spawn camping won't be changed all that much (other than juice chaining as a whole being less effective).
  11. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Ah, I see. I think I took the term 'duct' too literally.

    However, both meanings of the word are highly plausible. We'll just have to wait to see what kind they are, I suppose.

    As for Juice Chaining, I heard that Juice vendors are going to be on a timer much like the Annihilator is. Once someone buys Juice, the vendors shut down until the timer has passed. I don't know how long this timer is, but if it's as long as the Annihilator takes to warm up, it should drastically cut Juice Chaining down, if not eliminate it completely.
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Actually, I'm pretty sure that it's been confirmed that the "heat ducts" are just areas that deal damage over time, it's the same thing that is on top of the bot spawn areas.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i said this before.

    i dont personally spawncamp the hardest that is possible for me to do when i play. however, if you lost all your turrets and your pros have all been pushed into the spawn room, and your moneyball is down, then you have lost the game my good fellow.

    so you can wait for the next match to start (possibly wait inside the spawn room, you would be safe), or you can try to poke outside the spawnroom door periodically to get random kills on the camping enemy until games over (throw airstrikes, bombs, flak, fire shotgun blasts now and again)

    you could possibly get 3 supports and 1 tank all together in the spawnroom, and push out as a 4 pro team. this makes it easier to kill spawncampers. this might give you a slim chance to get back control of the game, if not at least hold losing off for a while longer.

    but i dont think the annihalator should fire automatic-rounds into the enemy (and kill them all 5 times in a row and take away all their money and turrets and lock them in the spawnroom for 5 minutes while you destroy their moneyball) if they spawncamp you. at most, im in favor of more spawn-room doors. if you had two floors of spawnroom, or multiple spawnrooms, more doorways, ect, then the enemy would not be able to cover them all.

    but lets not get carried away on a spawncamper witchhunt.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    During the Game with Devs. Eka confirmed they are heat "vents" on top of each spawn door. It not so much to prevent spawn camping but more for Pros that stand up there and attack your downed moneyball. Although there are players who stand atop the spawn exists waiting to shoot you in the back. Also be standing on top of those exists makes it easier for some classes to get to higher places where they aren't allowed. I.E the tops pf the Steel Peel dome.
  15. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Interesting. I've never experienced being attacked by Pros on top of the Steel Peel's dome.

    Or maybe I have, and didn't know it, haha. Either way, I wonder how effective these heat vents will be.

    I've seen Pros as big as Gunners stand (and deploy, in the Gunners' case) on the excruciatingly thin platform that those glass walls provide. The heat vents won't prevent that, but, they will force Pros to think on their toes when it comes to Spawn Camping.

    Maybe they'll even be forced to huddle on said walls, making them easy to pick off because they'll all be in one place. But this is just optimistic speculation.

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