Is it really that hard to implement? I know a couple people who won't get this because they can't play it. I've tried to convince them to adapt but they won't and I really can't blame them. It just seems like such an oversight in this day and age not to support controls for left handed people. I love them game and I'd like to play it with my friends. I'm addicted either way but man, give the lefties some love.
Personally, I can't play a video game if the controls aren't set to inverted, so I can imagine how hard it would be to adapt to a completely different control scheme. This seems like a a must-have feature. On a different note, modding a controller to be automatically southpaw is actually not that difficult of a procedure. I run a computer and small electronics repair shop and I regularly do soldering work more difficult and precise than this. If you know of anyone that would want this done to their controller I would be happy to do it simply for the cost of shipping.
There is a thread with a poll on the control system in the Issues & Feedback section. I'm a South-paw loving Lefty & would love it to be added but this is such a great game I simply refused to let that put me off. Tell your friends to give it a go as the Support - I can only play it as Support due to his hurt/heal gun locking on. I am getting better - sometimes even getting MVP but my K/D is 0.37 One day I might even try a different class - One where I have to aim :lol: