I just wanted to report sound glitches in game when I play. I added my DxDiag file to the email here.. the glitch's seem to come and go but are only in this game, so figured I would just report it.
Can you try to explain what exactly "sound glitches" you hear? I guess problem might be related to your sound card: Code: Description: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi) Date and Size: 7/7/2010 13:16:24, 697816 bytes Drivers from 2010 might be clearly incompatible with Windows 8.1 so you should try to get latest drivers from Creative website: http://support.creative.com/kb/showarticle.aspx?sid=61105
every now and then not music the music seems fine but think it is just sound effects make glitch wired noise and it is not all the time now and then you just hear wired crape in speakers for not even a second. but music keep playing fine thro it as if nothing is happening, so music play fine but let there wired sound glitch happens so like I said I think it has to do with some type of sound effect issue. only game or time I ever heard something like it is when playing this game. never hear it any other time ever.
Anyway you need try to connect some speakers/headphones to integrated sound card and check if this occur with it or not.
so I ran it thro the as stereo with head phones with on board not using the xfi sound card, and it the sound sounds better in stereo mode then it does with 5.1 speaker setup, but it still happens. " where you get this wired buzzard style noise that just out of no where at times, its not a constant thing, and there no timing for it, it just seems like its something that is random. but with the stereo and using on board sounds sound better, and I can tell that it does happen every time game first starts up you chose your starting location and you click start and about then when it beeps it also glitch's little, does not seem to want to play that sound correctly. I also took the time to update my xfi drivers with the 8.1 drivers that they put out. other thing that happens sometimes Is you know how you can hold shift key to see way points and it shows lines sometimes the lines stay on screen all by them self's with out pushing anything at all.
Anther thing I noticed that has to be a sound issue is when you are playing with more then one planet, and you start building base on like moon. if you are zoomed in on for example the moon base and you can hear the fighting on other planet and sound effects now I can only guess how this would sound if you had more planets and bases going.
That's a known bug. See the bug tracker. At least it lets you know there is some going on on one of the planets.