The built-in mod manager sorts available mods by the most recently updated by default, but it'd be nice to be able to sort them by their initial creation date. The reason for this is that some mods, such as mods you already have installed or mods you've seen in the past and weren't interested in, will still keep surfacing to the top of the list when they get updated. It makes it more difficult to see the mods that were most recently uploaded, since they're buried underneath many other mods. It looks like the creation date and last updated date might be the same, since every mod that was updated today or a few days ago (such as Legion or Queller AI) has a very recent date, even though those mods were uploaded a long time ago. So, maybe the initial upload date isn't even stored, and this wouldn't be as simple as I initially hoped. Still, assuming it's not impossible to implement, it could help make the newest mods stand out from the oldest and would definitely be appreciated.
The old PAMM had a mod that made storage and power plants build in a grid instead of on a line, but I couldn't find the same mod in CMM. Is it possibl ethat some mods weren't transfered?