Sometimes playing this game makes me feel like a masochist

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Badding, December 27, 2010.

  1. Badding

    Badding New Member

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    Don't get me wrong, I do like this game! The most fun game on xbox live, when it works that is. I like how there's a clear difference between an average and good players and the game promotes all the good things in team based game.

    The technical issues just suck most fun out of it. It seems most games I join lag too much and are beyond playable. And when the host is decent the frame rate might drop so low it's pretty much the same effect, unplayable. Is the unreal-engine so unfit for this game or where's the problem?

    I find myself playing more and more black ops, not because it's better or even good(it's borderline boring), but because it works and I get "4 bar" connections and good FPS. I hate to make decision between being frustrated or bored.

    Anyway let's hope next year they might fix these things ;)
  2. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    I rarely find the framerate/lag being an issue

    The unbalanced teams on the other hand...
  3. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I know what you mean.

    The lag and frame rate issues are ridiculous. Especially if you try to play split-screen. Talk about a handicap!

    It is the most fun game I've played in a long time. If the technical issues weren't issues, it would be top-notch. The lag, frame rate, split-screen and random glitches are the only things keeping it from being one of the all-time great XBL games.

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