Sometimes I Think I Nerf Myself Just to Make it Fair!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by JON10395, January 6, 2011.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    No really.

    Does anyone else "nerf" themselves when they are partyied up and a win would come way too easy if you didn't?

    For example, when I'm partied up with my friends, I generally run around trying to boost my "Heck Yeah" protags. BTW, my record is 10-1 as a sniper using no traps or Flak and never firing a single bullet.
    Sometimes I will run the worst Assassin build I can think of. Clip Size, Reload Speed and Skill Recovery.
    Another thing we have done is sit in the spawn room and taunt until our ball drops. One time, the first Jackbot actually dropped our Rock-its and the Moneyball. LOL! I still wonder WTF the other team was doing if not killing bots or turrets for 4 minutes! Needless to say, that win came easy anyway. :lol:

    I'd like to hear some of the things you guys do to make pub games more challenging.
  2. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I like Sniper-only parties.

    Traps. Traps everywhere.
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I'm trying to run with an Assault that only uses bombs and charge 2/3, mainly for protags, and running no armor. It's frustrating, but it nerfs me pretty well. Gotten pretty good at headcrabs because of it (just got my 100th today). :lol:
  4. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Well, I personally never make anything challenging for myself. I'm a tryhard at heart and can't not be :shock:

    But I do sometimes show off and run around doing 360 shottys with juiced supports,
    strafing stupidly and not shooting at people, then running baiting them, usually with sniper, then grapple and ring out.

    Other silly things like taunting beside people getting assassinated and such.

    :D Good times.
  5. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    When I'm in a party with people I know will absolutely beast the other team, I go for a class I'm not very good at. So uh, basically every class but assassin. Usually tank, since I swear I will one day master him. ONE DAY. *fist shake* Actually, I don't even need to master him. Just learning to not product grenade myself would be fabulous.

    Or sometimes I'll just play assassin and go for slap grapples only. I feel thats kinda mean tho. No one likes being slapped. (or backstabbed.. but slapping is extra insulting in my opinion. tho hilarious.)
  6. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I go support sometimes when I am partied up with a full team of my normal peoples(FuttBuck, Stretch, Zatch, XGD Rule, Fox, and whoever else I forgot). Most of the time I still get close to 20 kills just turtling in the base unless I feel like getting some shotgun grapple kills for lulz.
  7. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Going 30 kills with only grenade launcher is tha roflochopta.
  8. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    I play support so I believe that I have been stuck in the browneye with enough UBER nerfs that I don't need to do this.
  9. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I play with people who are far better than I am. It makes me look like i'm nerfing myself.

    I also like to make a special build for my gunner (Speed, Skill Recovery, Armor) and run around with nothing but my grapple upgraded. It works sometimes...
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    If I'm partied up and there is no challenge, I'll play around with difference classes and endorsements that I haven't tried before. Also, I went something like 30 and 10 without spending any money the entire match one time.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Using only the shuriken launcher with assassin - you'd think it's a nerf at first.

    But when you have gold clip size, silver rate of fire, and bronze crits, and you really learn how to aim it, you can do work with it.

    I actually was dropped from a game at 26-(?<6) one time using only the shuriken launcher. Once you get cloak to level 3 and enough money to buy a few juices, you rape. And I'll tell ya - the shuriken really does work against bots, too, if you have gold clip size.
  12. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    When I'm in a party, I nerf myself just so that the other team thinks they have a chance and don't all drop out of the lobby from being tryharded all over or just plain spawncamped into oblivion. I used to play around with all the other classes that I suck with, and I've done it so much that now I'm at least decent with all classes. So much for that idea. :(

    My party will still do all-class games, though I couldn't drill it into their heads enough that when you go all Sniper, YOU PUT TRAPS ALL OVER THE PLACE. All Support matches usually fare better. We'll have the 6-man blue web of love connecting every team member, and when the other team rounds the corner and sees all of us, they somehow find a way to move faster than their speed endorsements will allow. Gapshots, overheals, and firebases everywhere is hardly a fun match.
  13. mute

    mute New Member

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    Real Assassins know how to use the Shuriken launcher to its full potential.. I don't see using it as 'nerfing yourself'.. it's an artform I tell you. An assassin that knows how to cutoff entire lanes or killing people by angling ricochets off walls to get to their target is one of the few things I respect about Assassin players.. PeachyPony is really good at this, whenever I've played against him I constantly have to keep a look out and try to keep him moving to avoid it.
  14. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Unless you're me. :cool:

    Anyways, my group (Einarath, Fizzeler, Vinticus, ownedblood, evollove4746) will do all class games for the lulz sometimes.

    Only mortar gunners ftw.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Last night we (Hudson, SXD, GrindouT, SHSTiger, Billy, Jacktrips, and some more I can't remember) were in a game on LaseRazor and there was a"noob" on our team that went Gunner and the rest of us went Support and latched onto him. At first he didn't know what the heck was going, killing bots as we overhealed with Pros around. We also dropped all of our firebases on the floor around the Annihilator. Ironically we won.

    We had more then 6 players in the game so some of us were on the other team but I forget who exactly.
  16. Einarath

    Einarath New Member

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    What Unicorn said.

    Or, if there isn't a full team of us, then I generally either work on my worst classes, or go something else stupid and fun like shuriken & melee assassin.
  17. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    At least one melee a game for me. Cause I loves me some punchy punch.
  18. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    It was Me/You/Hudson/Jack/Billy/SXD against Manuoso/Grindout I think? But yeah, two of you had a massive gapshot army going.
  19. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Speaking of me, I haven't been on much lately. Sorry brohan.
  20. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    It was Me/You/Hudson/Jack/Billy/SXD against Manuoso/Grindout I think? But yeah, two of you had a massive gapshot army going.[/quote][/quote]

    I'm so hurt, guys.

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