Here's a pretty good all around machine at a good price: ... =H24-15224 It has a Sandy Bridge series Core i5, which is what you want to be looking for (or Core i7). These processors offer the best performance for the money right now and also promote better battery life. Also has a halfway decent graphics card, something of a rarity at this price. It should be able to handle most newer games on medium settings. Everything else is pretty standard, it has a DVD/CD burner, webcam and fingerprint scanner (gimmicky). The full keyboard with numpad is also a big plus for some people.
I took the time to Google it and paste the results in a link for you. Enjoy. Wait, you do have Google in Thailand, right?
You should post a link to exactly what you're looking to buy. Different sites well sell the same model laptop with different configurations (and of course different prices). ... 2a131e9269 ... 45fc3f1a72 ... +g73+g73jh ... e-for-1430
I wouldn't buy a used or re-certified version of this laptop,because some of the early one had the Sandy Bridge chipset defect. Any new one from a reliable vendor should be good though, and this computer is definitely a beast. That GPU will handle nearly everything at max settings. That laptop also has a fantastic processor, space for a second hard drive, and plenty of RAM. Keep in mind it's going to be massive, heavy, hot, and the battery life isn't going to be fantastic, which is basically what to expect with any gaming laptop.
One additional thing to consider when buying a laptop: When you stand up, your lap disappears! Keep this in mind if you spend a large portion of your waking hours on your feet. You may get caught feeling 'lapless' a little too much for your liking!