Not a lot of people know his but i made one myself However it is so old (CoD4 days) that it probably doesnt work anymore. Also the only way on works is if it is connected from your modem to your router.
You want the long version, or the short one? Short version is you put an interrupt mechanism of some kind on the transmit wire on your ethernet cable. There are tons of videos on youtube. I can make one that is really nice and requires no installation (just an extra ethernet cable) for about $12 but I don't use them so ymmv. If you use wifi, you run from router to modem instead of xbox to router but will interrupt EVERYTHING on your network; better to just run a cable. Long version is long, and goes into a lot of the theory of ethernet, tcp\ip, dead reckoning, and lockstep. It uses an ugly and inefficient light switch, but explains the principal. A better design is to use a button style momentary switch (just like your 360 controller buttons, except you want normally closed instead of normally open) inserted between two couplers; that way you can press it with a free finger, or put it under your toe - press to lag, release to disable it. This setup makes it very easy to use, auto shut off, and very easy to undo and put away. Technically, upload flooder is an upload flood, not a lag switch. Similar effect, but the downside is that it is less precise, and you have to take your hands off of your controller to start\stop the flood, and you are more likely to get disconnected.
You seem to know an awful lot on the subject. I'd never even heard of them but it does explain a few things.
Yep. I don't have one, and don't use them, but it is sort of like this; Someone once said "OMFG lag switch". I said "what's that?" and looked it up. I do networking for a living, and immediately started to think "OMFG that could be done SO MUCH BETTER". The rest is simple electrical knowledge, which I acquired running and diagnosing network wires - knowing a little bit about series and parallel circuitry is helpful...but again, I don't build or use them I just COULD since they are so simple. I know about upload flooding because, again, networking... Contrary to what soopersmurph says, learning about cheating is not the same as cheating...when you know how to do it, and thus what to look for, you know when it is being done. Most people accused of lag switching aren't guilty of having anything more than crappy internet...
Lag switches have really improved over the years. I remember the early days of messing with IPs and standbying. In Rainbow Six 3 the host was able to hit the standby button on the router and could get to various areas on a map that were impossible to get to. For example they're able to climb a ladder hit the standby button causing them to continue climbing up the map and when the host reboots they'd be on top of the map. Then I remember when bridging for host and then IP booting people out of the game in Halo 2. I remember one program was Kain and Able, but I don't remember the others. You would have to stick a butter knife into your xbox and pop the disc up in order to not play any of the original maps, and only the DLC which you could mod on. I remember getting up to a level 38 in halo 2, then it being impossible to find legit games. I made it to 43 and gave up since it could take up to 5 hours just to find a match. Crazy how players will always find a way
You can IP boot in MNC if you are host it just isn't easy to explain how (the way I would do it at least). I think it can be done as a guest I just don't know how.
one of the programs I was talking about lists all the IP's in the host's game and you can start flooding them with packets till they drop. probably something very similar.
Similar - I would just isolate the IP and block its communication to me at the router. Instant kick. I can't code so I would do it by hand. Sort of a crude method though - I don't like its lack of elegance.
the program to find IP's is kane and abel. then netools to give them the boot. However you will get an instant xbox ban so you have to use keyvault to prevent this.
To be honest, I didn't read any of this. I just wanted somebody to talk about something other than SooperSmurph and Peachy. Y'all's boring. Good talk though.
^ ^ ^ Okay. Teapot has oversized facial features. Teapot and his mum: Teapot has scabies How many teapot's doe's it take to figure out when to u'se and apo'strophe? Hey Teapot, your host sucks. Teapot is ruining the community. Take your pick, f*cker.