so i have some stuff i would love to see in the game ^^ Bunker a build that can protect your engineers and maybe your troops. geothermal deep extracting you extract the core of the planet and use it for metal and energy but this will kill the planets magnetic felled or that the core can be used for geothermal energy. planetary shielding it is a shield that block's to a point specific and i uses massive power to run. was it good or bad ides? i hope that they wore good ides ^^
Didn't I see them say somewhere that they weren't interested in doing shields and instead focusing on armour basically?
Well more focusing on not having to need shields, because of the lack of true map crossing artillery.
Bunkers might be implemented. I do believe in the Confirmed features and suggestions topic that Shields will not be implemented in the game. Not sure about the " strip the planets core of resources ". But as the core of a planet is usually metals, i would ask why not. But i'm not a dev, but it could be something they would like as a idea to the game. They have spoken about magnetic fields of the planet aswell. If you could deplete the core, magnetic field disperse and the entire planet would change alot. Maybe it could be a way of terraforming.
I thought the final word on shields is that while there is nothing inherently wrong with them, they have not been done well in the past and will not make it into the FIRST ittertation of the game, implying that they may become a feature at some future point beyond release. I may be wrong, it was a while ago.
Thing is that whether you like them or not, no-one can deny they do greatly shift the gameplay in some* fashion. at this point we don't know yet if adding them in after the fact will work, we'll have to wait it out and see where the game goes.... Mike
Imagine someone stealing all the floor joists and knocking down all the supporting beams from a house to build a beer pong table. What happens to the house? Or... just go watch that Futurama episode where they introduce Nibbler.
(about striping planets out of resourses and mantle) Remember when USA invaded Iraq there were a rumors about Iraq was going to detonate oil deposit beneath them? That would be nice thing to do. If you are loosing planet, you may decide to just blow it up and make everyone happy. Uniq way for every planet type - you may boil up water planet, fire up/detonate/chemically-activate gas planet, active self-destruct on metal planet and destabilize/move the metal core of earth-like planet. That's in case KEWing is not an option for some reason, that is.