Some Support Suggestions.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Crimson Trainer, August 16, 2010.

  1. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Seeing as many people are crying about the support, i have a feeling that a nerf will soon befall him.

    However, perhaps a nerf is not the answer. I think what makes supports go all out at the enemy team is that there is a lack of rewards for actually supporting.

    Currently, there is no assist system. I think if you are currently healing a teammate and they grab themselves a kill, the support should get an assist. But since there is no reward for things like this it may be whats causing so many supports to run to the front line. Hacking friendly turrets (bar your own) should at least net you $10 or something similar as you are actively helping out instead of giving you sod all and give you the assist should it grab a kill while still hacked.

    Also, the reward for healing is exceptionally slow. I think its somewhere around a full gunner heal for $1 which make it pretty pointless in terms of money. Sure that gunner can now rampage upon the enemy team, but you are left with a measly $1 which is just terrible. Perhaps $1 per second or 2 seconds of healing (obviously bar your own turrets/firebase and also removing the reward if you are sat healing something already overhealed to the max) would encourage supports to heal instead of fight.

    Perhaps instead of a nerf supports should be encouraged to support thier team properly, because as it stands supporting is plain pointless to the support themself.

    So, what do you guys think?
  2. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Also i thought it might be worthy to note, the supports bot-helping aura. That might be an action worth a little reward. Perhaps with $1 or 2 for each bot supported with it.
  3. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Encouragement will go so far with the class. People do what works, its not really a money issue. The fact that Support can support himself better than he can his actual teammates, just cries out for a nerf. Maybe then, people will play him the way, it was originally conceptualized... or no one will play him.

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