Some questions on the Heal/Hurt gun.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, February 13, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Ok, support is one of the classes I play a fair bit. And I had a few questions that perhaps others could answer for me.

    1. Does the ROF endorsement effect both the heal and hurt aspect of the gun or only the hurt?

    2. Do you ever actually use the hurt aspect, and if so, what for?

    The only time I've ever found a use for the hurt aspect of the heal hurt gun was on singleplayer blitz because I could use it to kill buzzers without even looking for them. (FYI I've gotten to round 243 on sudden death single player blitz as support :D)

    Also, not involving the hurt heal gun I had one other question:
    How does the bot heal aura even work? Cause I've never even noticed a difference.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I use the hurt beam to regain health quickly. You can also sit JUST outside the range of a rockit turret and hurt beam it. Also decent for taking out turrets while juiced.
  3. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    I'm fairly sure the ROF endorsement does increase the amount of healing and hurting it does.

    I usually use the hurt aspect only if I'm in blitz, I almost never use it in Crossfire.

    As for the third question, I'm not sure how it works either.
  4. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Isn't the shotgun more effective at killing turrets when juiced?

    According to the stats in hostilebalance.ini the hurt aspect does 15dmg per tick with an 0.25 tick speed

    So 60damage per second

    IT DOES however have 50% more range than the shotgun.

    The shotgun does 405dmg max per shot 1shot per second, but it only does 50% against turrets/firebases.

    So 205dmg vs 60dmg. On the flipside the heal hurt gun is healing you and has longer range than the shotgun. But it still seems like using the shotty would be better against turrets. I guess I should try it more.

    Looking at the stats though, it seems like hurt aspect of the heal hurt gun could use a buff. Its got super low juice generation, and damage. I can't recall ever dying to a hurt gun, and I think I have 2 kills with it.
  5. Sakeriel

    Sakeriel New Member

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    RoF increases the frequency of the ticks from the healhurt (obviously) resulting in more healing or damage.
  6. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    It might actually be better to use the Hurt/heal gun, because that way you can safely use your airstrikes and heal the turret damage it does to you too.
  7. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Bot Aura makes that little tab thing appear on them increasing their health also.
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    ROF effects both Hurting and Healing. Hurt Gun is useful if you have crappy aim while Juiced, for grabbing health off Bots while retreating, finishing off weakened retreating enemies, and for reminding your enemies about the fable of the water and the jet-ski.

    A BlackJack that has a bot Aura can survive a Death Blossom, IIRC. Basically, it makes your Bots more of an annoyance and much better at pushing through that final few steps to the Moneyball.
  9. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    RoF affects the heal and hurt part equally. It's still kinda crap though. Shotgun's much better for the most part.

    Even with gold RoF it still only does a pathetic 85.7 damage per second.

    With gold RoF the shotgun does 578.6 DPS.


    Blackjacks have 2000 health. Death Blossom (with full clip) does 250 damage x 10 vs. fodder = 2500 damage.

    Support's passive lvl 2 gives a 50% damage reduction, which means a death blossom does around 1250 damage.
    Last edited: February 13, 2011
  10. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Don't you mean around 1250 damage?
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    The hhgun initially wasn't affected by any rate endorsements, but an early patch made rate endorsements affect both. Thus, it's highly recommended to use gold rate on supports so you can outheal more weapon's damges.

    The hurt gun does help when your near enemy bots, as you can borrow health from them and avoid dying to long range tick damage. Gunner's can't outdamage you from max range. Plus, healing off enemy bots encourages you to leave the base, and keeps you out there for longer. Finally, it works well as a "Bunnyhop" weapon, so you can jump around wildly while following an enemy. You can even stay outside another support's shotgun range while chasing him with hhgun slowly killing him, if you are both at the same level of speed endorsement.

    Also, the bot aura increases the bot's resistance to damage (reduces damage taken by half). Thus, walking with bots with a support and tank would kill a team of assaults and assassins, IMO.
  12. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I do, why I made the math for 3500 is beyond me, but I did.

    @BroTranquilty: Why would a support run AWAY from you if you're using the hurt ray on him? Just turn around and shotgun you to death in two blows.

    Hurt gun is very rarely useful against players. Specially if they can aim. Melee will actually kill people faster.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    You can jump around and use it. It's not successful on a lot of things, but if you do enough with it then assaults run away (meaning you get to continue pushing bots, that's a win in my book), snipers at close range don't have the health or damage output to get you off in time, assassins can outrun you unless you have 3 speed endorsements and they don't have any, and finally, a support outside of shotgun range can be chased if you both have the same speed endorsements (or yours is higher) and since he can't get close enough to shotgun or far enough to escape then he can only hhgun back and will most likely lose if you started first.

    He can try to shotgun back, but if you stay outside of shotgun range, then they can't. For instance, you start hhgunning him, and he can do one of two things. He can chase you, and you can keep running away while hhgunning, he will never catch up and die. He can run away while hhgunning you back, but he will lose if you started first (unless he has higher armor or rate of fire or starting health), and if he is close enough to base then the turrets can push you off if he is lucky.
  14. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    from what people have posted it seems that all it does is reduce the dmg they take by 50%.

    Would anyone by chance know the range on that buff? ie how close do you have to be for them to get it. Does it effect the Jackbot XL? If you leave they exit the range of your buff does it imediately go away?
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Its 625 feet I believe. It used to work on Jackbot XL, but they took it out in developent (and patched the game when they first released it, after realizing it was still happening)
  16. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    I play almost always as a support. To answer your questions:

    1. Yes.
    2. Oh, absolutely, all the time. It's actually underrated, I would say. The thing is, you don't have to aim, at all. The reason it's good is because you can focus on evading your target, even turning away and jumping around at times, while still damaging your opponents. I can usually beat an assassin one-on-one using this gun: just run, jump, jump a lot, it's all about evading your opponent. Even assassins that jump in the air will ALWAYS be being hit with the HH gun.

    In short, it's incredibly useful on damaged enemy pro's where it's more important to hit them than to do a ton of damage. As a support this occurs often when you are face-grappled in front of your firebase, a friendly turret or some friendly bots. You and the assassin will finish the grapple quite damaged, so now accuracy is more important than damage.
  17. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    so 625 ft... how does that correlate in the game. lets say the map is ammo mule, and you're standing on the annihilator. Would it reach both lanes?
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    No, i'd say it would reach from front to back of annihilator room. You can be 8 bots away just about.

    Probably reach all the center of lazorrazor.

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