Some Gunner tips&tricks.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Shadynyx, February 11, 2011.

  1. Shadynyx

    Shadynyx New Member

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    Alright, basically I've seen a lot of terrible gunners out there lately and everyone always saying gunners are useless.

    So here are some tips&tricks that should help.

    when fighting anything, jetpack, always, height advantage.

    see an assassin? grapple, if it isnt upgraded combo it with a slam.(usually i'd prefer having a support giving me a tiny buff with my gold armor so I can survive sword back grapples)

    build: armor and rof should both be in every build, either gold or silver. add any bronze you want but i'd prolly go for either regenital, clip size or skill recovery. it's up to you really.

    use your mortar, this is probably the best weapon against turrets overall and the best against snipers as a gunner. especially when upgraded to 3, if all of them hit, the sniper is a deadman and even if he tries to hide behind a wall, splash damage.


    Deploy is not as useless as everyone says it is, find a good spot preferably either defending your own ball (behind the glass) or attacking their ball (under the spawn).

    this might not be organized like the guides and stuff, but I'm sure this will help a lot of gunners.
  2. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    The gunner doesn't need any cooldowns. Deploy doesn't have one, grapple is only rarely used, and slam alone isn't worth it.
  3. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    I'd be careful with spinning. Your advice seems to imply that you should always be spinning, but I disagree intensely on account of how slowly it makes you move. In general, I only keep my gun spinning when I'm already in a firefight or as I'm stepping a corner (especially on LazeRazor).

    Also, I've been finding in recent (gameplay) hours that gold/silver armor isn't all it's cracked up to be, and would argue that they're not strictly necessary for any given Gunner build. Assassins can one-shot rear grapple you once they get their swords, so the gold and silver armor mods really only increase your survivability against sins in the first few minutes of the match. Unless someone on the other team is a particularly lethal shot, I hardly ever wear my gold armor anymore. In a world where snipers and sins (which are popular classes and may account for more than 1/3 of the gameplay population) can still one-shot you, I don't think the armor is absolutely necessary in most cases.
  4. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I disagree with you here. Gunner is all about survivability, he needs at least silver if he wants to control a map successfully. Since he's a big and slow target, everyone will shoot at him. Armor is mandatory in my point of view. Also, with that endorsement Tanks won't be a big threat for you.

    But hey, everyone plays the way they want after all ;)
  5. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    I've just generally found that if having gold armor is what makes the difference in a firefight, I end with so little health that it's very easy for any passerby to finish me off. Sure I got out of a lot of situations that would have otherwise killed me when I had it, but good timing/positioning/battlefield sense can be almost as serviceable a defense as gold or silver armor is. I found that as I got better at the game, I relied on it to keep me alive less and less. I'd rather be able to drop a target that much faster with RoF + Crit than be able to survive a lengthy firefight, which I would prefer to avoid anyway.

    Gold armor is good for fair fights, I agree. But like Al Swearengen says in Deadwood: "A fair fight's something Dan and I have struggled to avoid."
    Last edited: February 11, 2011
  6. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    play claw
  7. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    With a keyboard?
  8. Shadynyx

    Shadynyx New Member

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    not supposed to spin 24/7 but people never spin for some reason...
    I know it seems useless at first, that's what i thought too, because it shoots without the need of spinning, but its VERY slow at first so I'd rather spin.
    anyway remember to jetpack, you dont strafe in a firefight, you jetpack.
  9. Cstriker01

    Cstriker01 New Member

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    Don't forget this plz, when you are deployed you can turn on your jetpack and torch anyone behind you. I can't tell you how many assassins I have scorched to death because they decided to flank me and try to take me out from behind. I doesn't even drain your jetpack meter!!! USE THE JET PACK WHILE DEPLOYED!!! It is win sauce.
  10. Near

    Near New Member

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    Jetpacking ain't always a good thing. It makes your movement very predictable and especially vurnerable to Snipers. It's great combined with revving up your gun and jumping out of a corner ala TF2 Heavy style.

    Also, I haven't seen so many bad Gunners. It seems to be a class that's easy to master.
  11. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I did not know this till just today...THANK YOU GOOD SIR!
  12. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    No. With a mouse
  13. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I'm sorry sir but my mouse at most allows for 5 different inputs...but I do make use of EVERY input.

    Wheel up = melee
    Wheel down = change
    Center click = taunt

    Left/Rick clicks for Main/alt.

    Skills go Q,2,E and I buy with F.

    Feels utterly good.
  14. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    Pro-Tip: In Steel Peel, you can jetpack over the glass wall from the right-hand window on the upper deck on the enemy's side, and sometimes even land on top of it. This is tremendously useful during overtime - Use the top-level jump-pad from your spawn, jet-pack to the middle, buy juice, jet-pack to the other side and then jet-pack over their turrets directly to their moneyball before popping.
  15. Maktaka

    Maktaka New Member

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    Don't jetpack OVER the glass, jetpack ONTO the glass and stand on the rim. You're so high up most players won't even see you before they're dead. Also, it makes you feel extra tricksy hiding on that rim, and that's always fun.
  16. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    "and sometimes even land on top of it."

    However, if I'm gunning for their Moneyball, I'd rather not. The turret in the front can reach you on top of the glass if they built a Rock-It there. If that nub isn't carrying a Rock-It, then yes, do eet.

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