Ok, so after many hours of testing and enjoying, I have a few more ideas I think some of you will relate to. Some of us were chatting about fab units and their annoying habits. So I thought to myself... Why not have all tier 1 fabbers like the air fabber. As in, give them all the fly/hover ability. That would solve the issue of path finding and the problem of them getting stuck and hindering each other. In fact, have all fabber units (tier 1 and 2) able to hover/fly. I often have a gang of 20 or more building holkins or halley's and I only use air fabbers. Its the only way to be sure they wont just trip each other up and grind to a halt during build ques. My second idea is to add another layer of strategy to planet smashing. How about if a planetary body has a small radius, like less than 200, then the amount of damage done to the receiving planet is limited to say 1/4 of the planet. In a small system this would enable a player to launch a planetoid at his own home planet, in order to annihilate an opponant and then quickly move in to the depopulated area. It would be a fun dynamic. I have always felt that the finallity of planet smashing kind of limits the possibilities. - What i'd like to see is a planet damage scale. For instance, if I were to smash a massive rock (r = ~500) into a planet, I would like to see a huge crater after. Possibly crack a piece of the planet off and totally annihilating everything on the planet. But at the same time in a different situation, I would like to tactically pick off one player out of say 5. And by tactically picking off, I mean smaching a rock (r =~200) down his recharge socket. Perhapes leaving a small crater as a reminder of the carnage. Maybe a tsunami might take out a little of my nearer forces. Do you get the idea? Any takers? All that being said, still an awesome game. When I backed this game I had no idea it was going to be this epic.
I meant that the planet smash with v. small bodies would not kill all units on the receiving planet. Are you saying that is now there? Just to be clear. Anyone care to comment about the fabber ideas?
I personally think the different fabber types are good. Air fabbers are really week and less efficient, which you trade to gain the added mobility. The ground fabbers are tougher and more efficient but less mobile. I personally like the variety. As for proportional smashing- yes this is a thing. If you smash a large planet with a very small one, only a relatively small area of the large planet is destroyed and units far away from the smash will survive. They have also added in the fact if you smash 2 similarly sized planets together, both are completely destroyed and are removed from the game. Final addition to smashing is what they refer to as 'incidental smashing' where 2 planets collide in orbit resulting in a planet smash (I've set up a map like that just for fun).