Some beta feedback

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mkultr4, January 4, 2014.

  1. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    My impressions of the beta are that PA has incredible potential, but I have a bit of constructive criticism.

    1. The click sounds are incredibly annoying, please let me disable them in the future.
    2. Many other "cutesy" sounds just make the game seem childish rather than a game about epic robotic warfare.
    3. Many units and buildings are extremely hard to distinguish from one another. I guess this is something that is pretty hard to fix considering the scale of the game and how much you remain zoomed out.
    4. I understand command queue lines are first pass but I wish they were more aesthetically similar to Starcraft 2 (Solid lines, thinner, but still with directional arrows).
    5. I think this is already in the works but I would like to see unit formations like in Warcraft 3/Total War. One of the reason nukes are so effective right now is because of unit clumping.
    6. Improved GUI (sooooo many excellent ideas were proposed in the giant GUI thread, hopefully some will be implemented). The resource income display in particular.
    7. I would like to see a button that returns the camera to a default orientation (North pole at the top of screen and south pole at bottom). It is very easy to lose your bearings when navigating the map.

    Other than that the beta is looking good and continues to improve. I have no doubt that with some determination and perseverance PA could shape up to become a new pillar of the RTS genre.
    Last edited: January 5, 2014
  2. thelowleypineapple

    thelowleypineapple Member

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    All of those are currently being worked on. For number 7 there is a feature called pole lock turn it on and you will be locked north up south down, I also believe there is a button that reorients yourself im not to sure what it is

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