[solved] Some key bindings don't work!?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by infuscoletum, May 23, 2014.

  1. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Yes, I read the notes and know that b selects the commander now. Yet it doesn't for me. Nor do the keys for attack/patrol/etc. The keys work for the build bar.

    I have completely uninstalled the game (even the app data folder) and am currently downloading a fresh install. I won't be able to test till tomorrow unfortunately, as I am heading to work as I type this :(

    Edit: reinstall seems to have fixed
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
  2. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    that is because there are other B hotkeys, because Uber doesnt have any employees that really know how to play the game:p still, just youl need to go to keyboard layout and work out what hotkeys you need :(
  3. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    I hope you're just trolling with those comments there LOL ;)

    Either way, it installed with time to spare before I really had to go, and everything works fine now. I think remnants of the hotbuild mod messed up the bindings or something. :D

    Or my computer may have pulled one of its random lock ups during the last update. :mad: :(

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