It might be fun to have a game in which each player has the option to import a custom planet of their own to make up a solar system. Obviously balancing issues might arise, but it could turn out to be fun.
Does naming your own planet count? I think I read somewhere that one of the perks of being a backer is that you get to name 2 planets in the PA universe of planet names. Of course, modders will probably remove the names you picked but at least your names will live on in perpetuity in the vanilla version of PA (assuming there's anyone left to play the basic vanilla version).
I would think it would be more feasible to have each player select a biome and some other general options for the planet that they start on, but still have it generated at random (IE: kind of like custom minecraft worlds)
See what I mean when you sound like you really just hate this game? xD I imagine planet name comes into the Galactic War part of things, with system and planets named and such