So whilst watching the videos Uberent have posted (mostly the galactic war), it got me wondering. They keep going on about the epic scale of the game smashing armies and planets and so forth but very little detail is given in my opinion. So I was wondering on a Solar System level at least how detailed is this going to be? We have seen videos with one planet one moon one sun and so on but how truly epic (large) will these solar systems be? Will be see 12 planet solar systems with a wide variety of worlds rocks moons and so on? Or will it be maybe 3-4 planets in a solar system. Space in Real life is an epic place to be in ever sense. Our own solar system has so many orbital bodies of differing sizes its unreal. Will PA solar Systems try to mimic RL solar systems to a pretty close degree in their formations? Things like this really make a game for me those little bits of detail that allot of devs miss out can be fundamental to making the game just feel that little bit more epic!
The right answer for the question is: As large as your PC can handle. They are working to make the game as scalable as possible, meaning that this kinds of limits are not set by their code but for how much memory and CPU you have available for the game. Want bigger solar systems? Get more RAM.