Solar Annihilation? Suggestion for game mode or feature.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by avidtheteaser, September 11, 2013.

  1. avidtheteaser

    avidtheteaser New Member

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    Possibly a new game mode or add on feature to a standard game mode that allows you to destroy the sun therefor the solar system. Could id be connected to the galactic was if implemented? How would you be abe to destroy the sun or star?Pushing planets and or large amounts of moons/asteroids in it? Transfer commander to a safe solar system and be randomly dropped into another war or into another lobby.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I'm not sure that blowing up stars is fun.

    I mean, you have to be doing this to defeat another player (or a computer player). What advantage does blapping the sun have over blapping the enemy?
  3. thatothermitch

    thatothermitch New Member

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    that's actually an interesting idea. it's kind of like the 'nuclear option', but at the system level.

    if such a thing were possible, i hope it would be ridiculously expensive and slow, so you'd have to dedicate a lot of time and energy defending it. Also, it, it should be blatantly obvious that someone is doing this, and relatively easy to interdict so that it doesn't become. Maybe building some kind of "solar resonator" in orbit around it, and then supplying it with ridiculous amounts of power.

    One question I do walk away with -- does anyone win if you blow up the sun? It would need to be survivable in order to have a victor, so maybe only the inner planets should be destroyed?

    (aside: how cool would it be to blow up a sun and *not* kill them all? fighting across the shattered remnants of an exploded solar system could be fascinating and wonderful!)
  4. CommieKazie

    CommieKazie Member

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    I would just like to point out that nuking the sun would actually re-ignite it.
    (Source: Well I'm not allowed to post links because I'm a new user -_-, but google the movie "Sunshine." Hopefully these captcha's go away too, 'cause I can never read them.)
    So really, we should have to transport several worlds worth of oceans to extinguish it!

    Ok, fake science aside, that could be cool. It'd eliminate almost all energy sources. Solar for obvious reasons, wind because the underlying forces are driven by solar, and probably most other sources too. So it could turn the game into a sort of 'sudden death' mode.

    Alternatively, if the solar system had multiple stars it could be a way to reduce the amount of energy available on the map?

    I think this might have been said before, but it could also be a way to remove that location from the Galactic Warfare map. (Reduce the size of a front, create a choke point, etc...)

    If these warring machines have already destroyed all life, who's to say it wouldn't escalate to the point where even they could no longer exist?

    Planetary Annihilation
    Galactic Annihilation?
    Total Annihilation? (and it comes full circle!)

    Other thought:
    Perhaps it could be a way to induce a supernova?
  5. avidtheteaser

    avidtheteaser New Member

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    I never thought about fighting across the remains and that would be awesome.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    play in pitch darkness
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    So essentially this is a Draw Mechanic?

  8. thatothermitch

    thatothermitch New Member

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    If it were survivable (and I'd hope it would be), I'd see it more as a way of leveling the playing field late game. One would hopefully have plenty of time to move your commanders out of the blast radius (unless they're locked in some desperate, but tragically futile attempt to defuse the sun-destroying weapon).
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    But the point is to destroy the entire system.....that you are in.

    I've never understood the fascination with destroying the sun or entire systems in a single go.

  10. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Sunshine is an epic movie. Some of the science is great, some of the science is crap, but it was fun to watch.
    CommieKazie likes this.
  11. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    What about the explosion slowly expanding outward destroying anything in its path? Would really change the game XD.
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Considering the expense and challenge of destroying a frickin star, I'd consider it a tech victory.

    However, there is already a superior tech victory mechanic that fits in with the lore of the game. Build more Commanders and ship them out! Whoever has the most will ultimately win the war.

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