this is by running the PA app manually, by browsing to it, not launched through terminal or a patcher. I changed my names a couple times in uber account but it was never "tatsujb", that is my UBER id. what's going on? This bugfix was scheduled at the very worst for release, we're now way beyond that and ingame names still don't show apart for people on steam. I think it only ever worked during a couple builds in apha. (which was nice no doubt) same goes for social. that fact our uber ids are showing in social is quite the awkward bug.
Hmm, works fine for me and I don't use Steam either. It's the Linux client of course, but that shouldn't really matter. So if you change your displayname in-game, it doesn't stick? As in, clicking the little white person thingy in the Uberbar, then click on you name and choose "Change Display Name"? That's how I did it and it always works. Mind you, the difference between my uberid and my displayname is just in the capitalization.
huh you can do it from there? I thought the only place you could do it was on (it definitely doesn't work from there.) EDIT : I got it sorted thanks again @DeathByDenim TIL. @cola_colin, @wpmarshall @raevn, @cwarner7264 you may close this if you wish.
You change it in your in-game chat bar now, not your uberstore page. As in, where it shows your name when you bring up your friends list inside of a running PA.exe EDIT: Ninja'd, but yeah, you can do it from there, since around the time you claim it broke, which makes sense since that was when it switched, interesting huh? Now, if that in-game name don't stick then that is another bug entirely.
nevermind please don't close this. I just found a new bug. My new changed name stuck for all of two lobbies. then it snapped back to uber ID. EDIT: the uberbar does however, keep the new name. that is so strange....
My uberbar doesn't update my display name. It's my uberid, even though it's [RLM] Webby on the display name thing on my profile, and the uberbar won't change at all.
Maybe try no mods? I've had changing the name lag many times, but without mods it seemed better. Since it is a thing I do very rarely I never really looked into it more. But it's definitely weird, as there seem to be 3 names: the ubername, a displayname in the game and a displayname in your uber profile. I am not quire sure how the rules are on which is used under what condition.