So what does the 360 community think of Update 8?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, May 23, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    PC Product Update 8

    New Features
    Chickey Gear for all Pros
    Added timer countdown to two minutes until end game / Overtime

    Balance and Adjustments
    Changed end game rules so that Overtime only triggers if both Moneyballs have the same health when time runs out. If Moneyball healths are not equal, whichever team has the Moneyball with higher health will win.
    Improved bot waves by increasing the speed of Blackjacks and decreasing the speed of Slims so that the Blackjacks will more often be in front of the slims, allowing them to take the brunt of the damage
    Reduced money players gain from kill streak bonuses
    Increased damage done to players by all levels of LaserBazer Turrets
    Greatly reduced juice given by LazerBlazer Turret fire
    Reduced the amount of damage reduction players get while juiced
    Reduced the fire interval bonus players get while juiced
    Reduced the critical hit multiplier players get while juiced
    All maps now start with two level two Rock-It turrets
    Award players who join a game in progress start money plus round money
    Increased chat character limit
    Removed All-Star display from Lobby and Scoreboard.

    Before you judge I do like most of this update as a PC player. But I do dislike some key things.

    I'll come back to comment on how these things work in practice but I want to hear your opinions on how it will influence play.
  2. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Blackjacks are OP.

    Honestly this round of changes seems tough to judge without playing them for about 20 rounds to see how it changes things for most types of players.

    I guess I'm half and half on this stuff and I'll need PC players to review the changes for me.
  3. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I'm waiting for an Update 2

  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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  5. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Why you gotta steal my views man?
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    It's what I'm known for.
  7. royalal

    royalal Member

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    Making juice worse and turrets better (while giving 2 level 2 rocket turrets to start) is just going to encourage more supports sitting in their bases building and hacking turrets. Juice seems fine the way it is on the 360.
  8. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I have hated nearly all of the "balance" updates uber has applied to the PC version.
  9. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    LoL looks like MNC PC got screwed terribly. They sure made Juice a waste of time. Im sorry but you cant appeal to all the whiny kids in this game about juice problems, all you had to do was increase the amount of money it costed to get juice to stop the chaining issue.

    If it costed $800-$1000 for juice, im sure there would be a lot less juice chains, LazerBlazers needed to be increased again. But as for a lot of the goofy changes going on terrible.

    I hope when/if the 360 version is fixed, it is fixed on what issues the 360 crowd talks about, since the PC version has now, become far different from what we play on.

    I think im going to go juice chain some noobs now, and guess what, im going to go kill all the turrets :D (suck it PC)
  10. IrradiatedRadex

    IrradiatedRadex New Member

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    They need to buff the Longshot Turret by increasing its base range, armor and damage and decreasing its fire interval. All it does is take up space. The Gapshot Bot is way more useful, efficient and effective than the Longshot Turret.
  11. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    So if you guys are getting another update where the **** is ours? We have been waiting for months. This is a piss take.

    And before you start defending them stretch you know as mush as everyone else.
  12. IrradiatedRadex

    IrradiatedRadex New Member

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    I'm just waiting for the day that the jump-jet cool-down timer is removed.

    The reticle on the Jet Gun of a deployed Tank, still, has yet to be aligned.
  13. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Currently formulating opinion.

    Be back when the timer's done.
  14. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I don't care.

    All I care about is when we're getting it.

    Save your PC stuff for people who can afford a decent PC to play it.
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I might as well give a view of how all the things fit together practically.

    The improvements I have outlined in red are those that need minor tweaks.

    The others work out great. The killstreak balance was intended to reduce rediculous juice chaining. The increased chat lenth and hiding of the All Atar rating were issues the community at large had issues with and requested.

    Players who join late get to be able to participate without being handicapped. Now that blackjacks move faster bot waves are more effective.

    Now about the issues I marked in red. You see the reason they may need tweaking is that they often conflict. They have good intentions and at many points are helpful to both sides. But they do conflict.

    The turret change makes base defense generally easier and promotes supports and others to move out from the base as it is adequately defended. This does make it hard to dominate the other team quickly from the start and steamrolling does not occur as fast. Problem is this conflicts with the juice changes.

    Juiced playrs are weaker whitch means that they require backup to take a base. It also puts stress on the idea of a juiced player leading in a team to wreck a base.One hurtful change is that a juiced player cannot take out turrets as fast. This hurts both the assassin and assault juice. Both classes are fragile during juice and have a hard time taking out turrets now. The update has given classes like the support a more important role on the team. Healing or overhealing juiced players. Gunners are consequently needed in order for a team to win. This is not too bad but I could see problems eventually.

    Finally the overtime change. I can't say nothing but bad comes of this but it leads to the exact same situation yo think of. One tap on the money ball and the other team loses. The only way that the health can be the same is if neigther ball is damaged.
  16. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    A Modest Proposal

    Now is where my opinion comes in. I believe that the issues outlined just need minor tweaks to make this update a good one overall. Turrets are harder to take down so the first thought would be to make the base turrets weaker. This would bring us back to circle one. In order to make juice effective for its intended purpose just increase the damage it does against turrets. That way players could deal with a single juiced player (promoting teamwork) but not multiple players aiding a juiced player. This would solve the turred dillema in one go.

    As for the ball thing others have suggested that there be a wider gap necessary to prevent overtime. Like about 30% difference of damage to keep people working at the ball to prevent juice from being a means to absolute victory.
  17. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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  18. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    But there's a counter for Longshot kills. I'm at 55!
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The XBox community can't really say anything because even before update 8 your game is far different from ours. Simply put.

    As someone that has followed all the changes the game has been through I'd say the only thing I dislike as it stands now are the OT changes.
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    if these come to 360 i will NOT be buying the dlc.

    ALSO: i think the longshot cant be compared to the gapshot. the longshot is a TURRET> its primary focus is BOTS, not PROS. gapshots do need a nerf, however. a support should not be able to pull most kills/assists/bot kills/turret kills by sitting at the back of his base spamming bots.

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