I just found several glitchs that are gamebreaking:- (1) Bullets seem to do damage to me (2) Sometimes I lose a game (3) My skill seems to hinder me (4) All of the Pro builds seem to be better than each other, and yet worse at the same time (5) I sometimes die on this game when people are better than me and use their skill to beat me
MNC is not perfect but it is incredibly fun. Yes, certain aspects of the game need to be adjusted so please stop patronizing the posters that are trying to help improve the quality of this game.
I agree with the OP for the most part. But what I really think the game needs is a handful of carefully selected buffs to my favorite class, nothing big but it really would make the game so much more balanced. oh yeah and while you're at it, there's one class that kills me all the time due to stupid things I refuse to stop doing. It would be nice if this class could be severely nerfed.