So if I spent $90 I'm SOL?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Hawkn, July 25, 2013.

  1. Hawkn

    Hawkn New Member

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    Yeah I get that I got a few months of earlier access than others by buying into the alpha (for $90). However, I thought the reason early access on Steam was $90 was to appease Kickstarters. Now though it's okay for the alpha to be $20 cheaper? And they get the same stuff as people who paid $90?

    Listen, I supported you guys when you put the alpha on steam for $90 (because unlike way too many people, I understood why it was priced that way). However, this is a bit lame. Either call it beta and charge them for beta, or make them wait.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well, 2/3 of the alpha time is over. It kinda does make sense to lower the price, doesnt it?
    So 90$ KS backers got nearly 2 month extra alpha access time. Sounds pretty fair imho.
  3. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    You also have to consider the value prop of the people coming in now. A $30 delta with a month left doesn't make sense. Also people who are beta testers can now get in for $10.

    I don't see how anyone can complain, you guys are the elite group of early alpha backers and I'm pretty happy with how we've maintained the value proposition. The price is going to continue to go down, are you going to feel bad about people who pay $40 when the game is released?
  4. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    It's okay to lower the price because the alpha period is almost over.

    Are we going to get these same sorts of threads when the game is released and it's $40?


    EDIT: Didn't even read neutrinos post but I copied him almost word for word lol
  5. paulzeke

    paulzeke Member

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    people are very prickly about their perceived value.

    I like how uber has done the pricing, good logic to notch down the pricing now

    hopefully this will encourage a new wave of purchases so that there's more people online to play against! So far the only consistent problem I've had with alpha is finding an opponent quickly as so few people are in on it yet :lol:
  6. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    I payed $90 to see the game get made.
    I put in my investment knowing that eventually it will be cheaper, and knowing the possibility of the game not turning out properly. (which clearly isnt happening, this game is coming out just ever so right)
    If we all payed $20 this project would probably not be developing as wonderfully as we have seen this year.

    Lowering the price for current newcomers is supporting OUR investment into the game, the project is continuing to get additional funds on top of our initial kickstart. The community is growing as well; popularity will strengthen the game through an ever growing development in mods and assist the game's longevity. If a game has a large player base, then it is easier to find multiplayer games outside of your own friends for years to come as well as general maintenance for future bugs and balance issues or perhaps even expansions.

    I dont feel ripped off, we got our "pre-show backstage tickets" and now its time to let the rest of the crowd in, otherwise it would make for a lame show.

  7. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    I think ye are doing a great job, two thirds through alpha and I feel I paid too little.
  8. sil3ntspy

    sil3ntspy New Member

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    i also paid solely for the reason that development would go better, i dont see a problem in this at all..

    i nearly dont even play the alpha :p.. because i know its gonna be a half bad experience..(no offense)
  9. Hawkn

    Hawkn New Member

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    Don't get me wrong, I understand why they did it. However, I feel like they might as well have just said "hey guys it's beta!" and dropped the price to $60.
  10. hygieia

    hygieia New Member

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    Well said!
  11. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    It's not beta yet though so it would be wrong to give that impression to purchasers. I see alpha as 'build phase', beta as 'ensure the built functionality works as intended'. That won't be entirely true in this case as I imagine galactic war etc will develop largely in beta.

    I'm more than happy with uber managing the price as they wish. If you've been in the alpha since early on, and haven't gotten $20 worth of entertainment out of it so far ---


  12. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    How are you SOL? You thought $90 was an ok deal when you bought into the PA Alpha, otherwise you wouldn't have paid.

    Other people get it for $70 later on, and now your previously acceptable deal is bad somehow.

    It sounds more like you're disappointed that they got a mildly better deal than you did, and their gain is somehow your loss. How does that work, exactly? How does charging others less harm you?

    Why is $70 a better deal? Shouldn't it be $60? Or $30? $9.99? Or free? They're just prices - you agree with the seller or you don't buy. Nobody has ripped you off. The griping over prices strikes me as very petty and envious.
  13. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    Nope, in fact I'm trying to give you more money but early backers can't upgrade at the moment (though in the store it says eventually!). I want to upgrade from my $100 backing to the $200. Having 2 planet names of my choice in the game is totally worth it, especially when it is supporting you (even bought a friend alpha access!).
  14. techvert

    techvert New Member

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    I understand that feeling, but I think ortikon said it perfectly. We also definitely haven't reached beta status yet. The feature that will set this game apart hasn't even been implemented yet.
  15. VectorShift

    VectorShift New Member

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    I bought this game a few days ago for $90, and I'm perfectly happy with that.

    GoodOak said what I was going to say. I payed $90 knowing we were well into the Alpha, and I was OK with that. I got what was an acceptable deal to me at the time. No one has taken that away from me. Had I known I would only have to wait a few days to pay $20 less, I probably would have waited (not sure), but I don't think Uber has done any harm by not announcing the price drop in advance.
  16. Stormie

    Stormie Active Member

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    i bought in two days ago. (same day i discovered the project existed)
    If id known there'd be price drop Id probably have waited, but still happy with my purchase. just means a couple of extra dollars in Uber's pockets, hopefully they'll be able to keep the power connected until they finish this thing!
  17. doxbox

    doxbox Member

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    I really don't see how this could possibly bother anyone. Seriously, who gets mad over a price drop? Who, I ask you, who?
  18. nebulafox

    nebulafox Member

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    $90? At the Kickstarter stage, I am was so enthused about PA I gave PA $300. All my colleagues however went for $20. Their are people who gave much more. The continuously laugh at me. I hope, however, that by getting in the alpha and beta I am going to know enough stuff to beat their little hineys. Then I will be laughing for a bit. That a side, I wanted to give UberEnt a lot of money. The video concept was awesome, the people are awesome and I knew this game was going to be awesome. I mean it is already awesome.
  19. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    As I've already said in another one of these threads, this was a very well thought out business move by Uber.

    There will be a lot of beta backers/preorders who will now throw another $10 at this game to get in a month or so earlier than they otherwise would.

    And I don't need to go into the reasons why those who paid $90 should NOT feel disenfranchised by this move, as it's already been said very eloquently above me.

    This is good for Uber, and what's good for Uber is good for us, as they get more money to pile into developing the game!
  20. liamdawe

    liamdawe Active Member

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    I think it's a perfectly acceptable move, they kept up the price for a good length of time to not hurt Kick backers and now the alpha is almost over the has slashed it but still above the beta price if anyone wants to nip in now.

    See nothing wrong with it.

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