And realised that im extremely rusty with my previous main, Assassin. Then i realize that i have magically gotten rather good with tank, whom i couldnt play worth a crap before i stopped playing MNC. Anyone else magically aquire skills they never had?
You seemed to do alright against my party last night. We were pubstomping for lulz kills and then you single-handedly took the game (granted we were outnumbered 2:1 most of the game). After that, I instructed my group to actually try winning with their best classes. In the end, I ended up being the only positive player, so don't discount your Assassin skills so quickly.
Its not like i suck with her, just extremely rusty. Yeah, i was getting pretty frustrated by the lack of presence of my team on the field, and the 2x firebases in our base when the bots were near yours. I dont really remember getting into a confrontation with you too much, i seem to remember running into some "Trout" guy alot, i think he started actively hunting me... I was running into him all the time. It was fun, but i had to go in the end.
When the game first came out I could never play assassin. I sucked soooo bad. Once I came back about a week and a half ago I could magically play assassin rather well. I never really play it because my team usually has a decent assassin, so I stick with my main assault or support, but I don't know how I gained these assassin skills.