They intend to license this out to Professional and indie devs after their Kickstarter next year. Keep an eye or two open. 2014 is year of the Space Sim. Here is their website -
Honestly looks like a well done earth generation... It would be cool to fly Fighter jets or helicopters in that environment.
Not just fighters or helis but a open world game set on one planet and possibly a moon. I have been quite active on their forums. They intend to release a public SDK after their mod tool for Infinity: Battlescape goes out next year.
I first saw this back in 2006 or 2007. They were planning to use it for some huge overly ambitious MMO over an entire procedural galaxy. The technology looks really promising, but at this point it has been nothing more than promising for most of the last decade. I do hope it works out for them, but don't hold your breath.