PA never saves my edits, CSGs mainly. It saves the names of the planets, it saves the custom landing zones and custom metal spots but all the CSG edits to the planet surface are gone when I either try to play AI skirmish in my new system or reload the system for more editing. All planets revert to blank, whatever was generated before I made my edits, including the originally generated CSGs! This happens to both the Steam and the standalone version of the game, mods or no mods. If the system only has one planet I sometimes get lucky and the planet gets saved, but anything above one planet doesn't work. I though I was pushing it by making too many, too big planets, too many CSGs. But even a system with three 400 in diameter planets with less than 10 custom CSG per planet won't save my edits. I know there is a bug that doesn't save custom orbits but this ought to work as I see some amazing custom systems available for downloads. What am I doing wrong? I have a capable system: i7 6700K, 32GB of RAM and GTX980Ti. Thank you!
So I found another posts that says "don't change the planet stats". But you can't change the planet stats once you go Advanced Edit. Do they mean this? This is not available once you enable Advanced Edit: This is all you can do once in Advanced Edit: So what am I missing?
How are you saving? Like the exact order of what you are clicking. There is an old bug with saving systems that was never fixed where things don't actually save depending on how you are trying to save. e.g. just pressing the close button at the top right and pressing save from the pop up doesn't actually save. To make sure your system is saving, click the save system button every time it appears green before you press any close button. Never rely on the popup to save, it doesn't work. Before you exit out by pressing close, always make sure it looks like this and never like this Also, periodically export your system to a .pas file from the main system editor menu. Trust me, it will save you alot of heartache when things go wrong as they tend to with the system editor . By doing that, you can also edit the basic system settings manually in the .pas file (radius, water, height, metal etc.) even after you have transformed your system into the advanced edit mode. Code: { "name": "test moon", "planets": [ { "name": "Kringla", "mass": 5000, "position_x": 28900, "position_y": 5400, "velocity_x": -23.952680587768555, "velocity_y": 128.19117736816406, "required_thrust_to_move": 3, "starting_planet": true, "respawn": false, "start_destroyed": false, "min_spawn_delay": 0, "max_spawn_delay": 0, "planet": { "seed": 1100611968, "radius": 250, "heightRange": 50, "waterHeight": 0, "waterDepth": 100, "temperature": 0, "metalDensity": 25, "metalClusters": 25, "metalSpotLimit": -1, "biomeScale": 50, "biome": "moon", "symmetryType": "none", "symmetricalMetal": false, "symmetricalStarts": false, "numArmies": 2, "landingZonesPerArmy": 0, "landingZoneSize": 0 } If you are having trouble importing your system back into the system editor, open up the file and make sure the water values etc don't have a bunch of floating points. e.g. Code: "waterHeight": 5.123871939000420420420, is bad, and you would manually change that to Code: "waterHeight": 5, before importing it
Aha. I would normally close the planet's editing windows and then click the green save once I'm done with all the planets. So you're saying I should click the green Save button before closing any planet widows! That makes sense. I'm going to try it out then. Thank you!
No, unfortunately that didn't help. Thanks for trying to help though. These forums seem so dead. Even if I click the green Save System button every time before exiting planet editing panel my changes do not get saved. Oh well, I think it's really time to give up on this issues. This game is so buggy it's really upsetting, I guess I just need to come to terms with the fact. Too bad, the game is really fun, but the bugs are discouraging. As an early K backer I am very disappointed in this game.
The planet editor was not in the original scope of the kickstarter. Originally the plan was to have all systems be randomly generated, although this was scrapped later in development due to community demand for set maps. The map editor came about as a tool for the devs to create a few maps then was eventually developed and released for community use. So yeah as an original kickstarter backer you should have not even expected a map editor at all. Given it is buggy and I acknowledge that, but remember that this is the case.
I meant "buginess" overall, not just the editor: graphical and audio glitches, performance issues, lack of GSYNC support. This game feels very unfinished.
That's a pity. If so, it's a bug i havnt heard of before. Would be interesting to see exactly how its happening to you
OMG, I think I got it. If you edit CSGs and then switch immediately to editing metal spots or landing zones, the CSGs are likely NOT to save. You have to click Preview->Terrain before switching from editing CSGs to editing metal spots or landing zones. Then it saves CSGs!!!
Screw this. I'm done. I really wanted to make some maps but this is too frustrating. The above method works for the most part. Then one crash and all CSGs wiped from all planets in the system. You have to export the system every few minutes to have a backup, otherwise you're screwed. Couple of hours of tedious CSG placement gone because this POS crashed again. I don't have the patience to deal with this. I was able to successfully finish three single-planet systems. Anything over one planet crashes madly during editing. The editor is garbage.
The editer is certainly a bit temperamental. I would certainly say to have patience and stick with the creation. I have noticed that if you take your time when editing with CSGs specifically it can have much greatre reliability. I must admit I have not had much erasure of CSGs except on multi-planet systems. Have you tried using DirectEdit? Using that to 'write' the changes could increase your chances of success.