So 360 Monday Night Combat is dead...?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by 2wynbge, May 30, 2011.

  1. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Reading through a few threads here I see a few people concluding to this statement. Is it true? Is the game worth buying if only for playing at peak times? Any answers are much appreciated :)
  2. mute

    mute New Member

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    No it's not dead, is still has very active lobbies. The people that say it's dead are referring to the fact that alot of competitive players are disappearing due to the lack of the promised support from Uber. I have no problems with the game, but I played it to death. I've lost interest until updates come out.. but I played it for like 10 months straight.. many of us did/have/do.

    If you're a new player to the game, its still very deep in gameplay and there is plenty to do/learn and despite the negative vibes many of the forum members display, the gaming community is a fun one. The few times I've played the past month, I've seen alot of new players that weren't around before. I still recommend the game to people, its a great game.

    I won't say it is dead, but I have been completely disappointed in support of the game by Uber since last December (..really since October, it just took MS 2 months+ to release updates). They've made some very questionable decisions by focusing so much on the PC version instead of the promised support of the majority of the userbase on the console. I think the PC version was a great idea, especially for development, but at the same time they've dragged their feet on the xbox for way too long and are just now getting around to programming the updates.. by the time MS gets it, approves it and lets us download it, it'll be well over a year since the game has been out. This is all exacerbated by the fact that Uber made it their company mission to be very supportive and involved.

    Them's the cold hard truths, but no, it is not dead. If I never bought or didnt get the game until yesterday, I would still fall in love with it.
  3. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Thank you very much for the quick reply. Also thanks for clearing up the whole 'dead' thing. It sounds like a shame about the whole PC situation but I suppose they have to pay Microsoft alot to release each patch for the 360? Anyway I hope to see some people that frequent these forums on there :)
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    There are alot of myths surrounding what Uber has to do to release an update. Glad you decided to get the game still, it's a blast, I highly doubt you'll regret it. Hopefully Uber reads threads like these and realize they need to turn up the gas on the fire that's under their a** before it truly is too late and realize they've missed the bus.
  5. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    For now, online, it is pretty much dead. Gone were the days when I would search for a game, get in one, and recognize half the people in it. Most of the people you will see playing
    nowadays will be fairly new players. I haven't see a Buzzer or above in ages. (When you reach level 99 you "prestige" and start again with a different bot beside your name). Most of the "hardcore" players have either taken breaks, not playing as often, or playing Brink or other games. This doesn't mean we have given up on the game but just got bored with how the game is going and we all want this next update for the 360 a lot. So for the most part online right now is a bit slow and the games won't be filled with parties of 4+ (most of the time), which I guess is kind of good for new players so they won't get pub stomped. I'm playing a bit here and there, so add me if you want: Amaze Theory
    The forums however are still quite active with most players even if they don't play much anymore. There's a lot of very committed players to this game, which you will see in time, if you get it, which you will. :twisted: :mrgreen:
  6. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Dead Game Is Dead.
    Dead Lobby Is Dead.
    Dead Is Dead.
  7. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    Amaze hit it pretty much on the head. The game is far from dead, there are plenty of lobbies, they are just mostly new people or a few straggling veterans running juice chaining as assaults beating up on those new people.

    The competitive scene is dead though. Once Brink came out the vast majority of the well known competitive players moved over there or went back to playing another game.

    You can still have a lot of fun with the game though, I think it's certainly still worth the $15 price tag.
  8. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I took a few months break right after Spunky dropped and while it sucks not to play with and against as many people I used to (Futtbuck, Pineapple Kush, & a few other non-forum goers) its nice watching non prestige'd players figuring out not to build LazerBlazers under the ball.
  9. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    I'll send you a friend request now, will buy the game tomorrow as today is a bank holiday so I have dinner plans :p

    And thanks for the replies everybody ;)
  10. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    And/or LongShot turrets.
  11. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    Oh man. I'm watching that happen with alarming frequency.
    UBER, can you make new protips warning against this behavior?
    With accompanying animations of Support facepalming an Assassin doing so.
  12. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I can't remember the last time I couldn't find a lobby. Every so often you're in a lobby for a while waiting on players but it's rare.

    Not dead.
  13. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    ^^ what he said.
    I never have trouble finding a lobby, but I play relatively early EST so the Europeans are all still up.
  14. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I noticed something, I really like this thread. I like all you guys who posted here and it was a quick helpful response. I remember when this was more common.
  15. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Just make sure to read up on the guides on this forum, most of them are pretty useful. Besides actually playing and getting experience with the game, the biggest help in my own knowledge and general gameplay came from Xenonox's youtube channel.

    His guides are very good for each of the classes and just fun to watch. All of his random games are also pretty fun to watch and you can pick up some cool tactics for any class. My second favorite channel is Sunny Dove's. Here's links to both of their threads in the videos section:

    Xeno's thread

    Sunny's Thread

    There's a lot of content between these 2 channels and Sunny's is from the PC version, but it's still worth watching.
  16. joker

    joker Active Member

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    the game is still plenty alive and fun. new content and/or a tourney wouldnt hurt though
  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    As has already been said, it's mostly new players that play. I find my K/D blasting through the roof now because there isn't really any competition for someone who has been playing since launch.

    That aside, don't be afraid to send a friend request to anyone who actually posts a helpful response on the forums. They will generally be pretty helpful as far as giving tips and strategies goes.
  18. joker

    joker Active Member

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    yeah. though its always been this way really. pubs are easy, but if desired there are still good people to play privates with/against, so not that much has changed except a few faces entered and a few left
  19. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Once again thanks for the brilliant responses everyone, I am buying it in an hour or so, so if anyone here is up for it my GT is JPB3, otherwise I might send a few friend requests myself :)
  20. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Games not dead, but it is getting stale, I often run into the same players nightly, though that just may be my luck, game is still fun to do, and to be honest not to many people left in my opinion (Sorry tom if your reading this). I surprising still see new players which is great so your not alone, just getting new to the game. Hell I only bought it about 3 months ago. Anyway if you want tips tricks or someone to play with hit me up GT is same as sig/forum name.

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