Sniper Guide!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by vI Snack Iv, August 14, 2011.


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  1. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Sniper Guide:Starring Snack

    Table of Contents

    I: Introduction
    II: About the Sniper
    IIa: Weapons
    IIb: Skills
    III: Roles/Strengths
    IV: Play-styles
    V: Match-ups
    VI: Maps
    VII: Endorsements
    VIII: Conclusion

    Section One: Introduction

    Oh hello, didn't see you there. Welcome to the MNC PRO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. I am Snack, one of the most legendary players in the game, and this is my Sniper Guide. I know a good deal about this game and the sniper in particular, so I figured I'd do something constructive with it.

    Section Two: About the Sniper

    A required class for any sort of shooter, the skilled Sniper uses his hightened aiming ability to kill off enemy players from far across the map. If someone is able to sneak past his line of fire, like the Assassin, he comes equipped with a SMG to give him a better chance of survival. The Sniper in Monday Night Combat is arguably the most mobile Sniper in a video-game, he is best suited to players who can set up for and wait for a kill, or can get in and out of danger quickly as a distraction.

    Bottom line, the Sniper is one of the slayer classes, sharing this luxurious classification with the Assault and the Gunner. The Assault and Gunner excel at close-mid range, and the Sniper excels at long range.

    Subsection A: Weapons

    Sniper Rifle

    The Sniper's primary weapon is a long-range, extremely accurate rifle for precise elimination of enemy Bots or Pros. The rifle is slow to fire, and when aimed 'from-the-hip', has rather poor accuracy, but is still capable of substantial damage. Holding the Alt-Fire key brings up the scope, limiting the Sniper's vision and mobility, but giving him pin-point accuracy. The rifle has the unique ability to always inflict critical hits by scoring 'Headshots', or hitting enemy Pros and Bots in the head. Upgrading the Sniper's passive skill allows his rifle rounds to penetrate their targets, hitting multiple foes with a single bullet. When fully upgraded, the skill adds explosives to each penetration, damaging foes adjacent to his targets.

    Taunt: Holds his gun military style, says "Allllright, I've got a plan and I need one more;who wants to take a bullet for me?"

    Sub-Machine Gun

    While at close range, or caught by surprise, the Sub-machine Gun, or 'SMG' serves as the Sniper's secondary weapon. Though it only does moderate damage per shot, the SMG's rate-of-fire rivals that of the Assault Rifle. However, the SMG's clips are very small, and require frequent reloading. Like all secondary weapons, the SMG's alt-fire is a grapple attack, which is separate from the Sniper's Grapple skill.

    Taunt: Says "If speed and deadly accuracy had children, I'd be their favorite!" while pantomiming his boast.

    Subsection B: Skills


    The Sniper's blue skill is a hovering Grenade device which sprays an area with team-colored sparks, damaging any enemy Bots, Pros or Turrets, as well as the Sniper, if caught in the area of its effect. Unlike other grenade-like skills, Flak will stop at the apex, or highest point of its arc, hovering in place. Flak's duration is brief, but upgrades to the skill increase both the damage of the effect, and the area which it covers.


    Traps are small proximity mines that the Sniper can attach to Arena surfaces to catch enemies by surprise, or protect himself from enemy Pros, such as Assassins, from sneaking up on him. When an enemy wanders into a Trap's range, the device detonates, spraying the surrounding area with a chilling mist, slowing its victims and sets them up as easy Headshots for the Sniper. Upgrades to the Trap skill increase the number of Traps that can be active simultaneously, as well as freezing opponents for up to 5 seconds, instead of slowing them. Fully upgraded, the freezing effect of Traps will also drain the Skills of enemy Pros caught in its effect.


    The Sniper has a dedicated Grapple skill, which gives him a potent close-quarters attack should anyone manage to close the distance with him. At its base level, the attack deals moderate damage and spins the victim in place, leaving the Sniper standing behind them for a quick follow-up attack. When upgraded, you can defy physics! By that, I mean that the grapple upgrades to a throw. Yes, the scrawny Sniper can kick a Gunner/Tank across the map. Steroids have come so far!


    The Sniper's passive skill improves the effectiveness of his Sniper Rifle shots, allowing him to harm more opponents with fewer shots. With its first upgrade, the rifle gains penetrating shots; a Sniper can thus hit several enemy Bots or Pros with a single shot, if they happen to be lined up with one another. With a second upgrade, each penetration he inflicts with a rifle shot also explodes, causing moderate damage to foes adjacent to his targets as well as the victim he aims at. The explosions will also trigger when striking friendly Pros or Bots, though doing no damage to them; this feature can be exploited to interrupt a grappling enemy Pro.

    Section Three: Roles/Strengths

    So the Sniper's some nerdy, scrawny dude that takes MNC too seriously, where as the Assault is a bad-*** mofo who can fly and throw bombs and what-not. With this in mind, why should you play the Sniper? What does he have to offer that other classes don't? Well lost child, I shall enlighten you.

    The Sniper excels at long range(LOLDUH) and is the best counter to the heavies in the game, the Gunner and the Tank. The Sniper is a slayer and also a support class, who is capable of throwing Ice Traps to slow down enemies and stop pushes. The Sniper can also help the Assassin and the Tank push bots, not only giving them a little breathing room, but maybe even saving their life. Finally, the Sniper has the Flak Grenade, which covers an area depending on how highly it is upgraded. This can be great for getting people to back off while your team pushes up or even good for finishing off weak targets, such as Firebases or enemy players.
    Last edited: August 18, 2011
  2. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Section Four: Play-Styles

    In any game, the Play-Style of you and your opponent is always a factor in success.

    First let's talk about my buy order for my skills.

    Passive Two/Trap Two
    Passive Three
    Flak Two
    Trap Three
    Flak Three

    Don't upgrade grapple. Grapple one halts momentum and may be the thing that keeps your target there long enough to get killed. Very advantageous for obvious reasons.

    There are a lot of snipers other than me who have vastly different play-styles than my own. But we're mainly here to talk about mine... it's my guide!

    My style tends to focus on support more than slaying, so I make heavy use of my ice traps and flak, mainly my ice traps, though. Snipers with better aim like Sigmar and Some Gothic Kid can always go for head-shots, but I go strictly for body shots. This makes it so that I can do a nice chunk of damage without having to be incredibly precise and it also makes it so that my teammates can get the kill instead.

    When I'm not getting body shots, I'm going for bots. (Did you like the Rhyme? I got to bed at 2:30 this morning thinking that one up) Killing bots is the main thing that I do, as it gives me juice and money.

    One thing that everyone should do, regardless of play-style, is to quick-scope. Quick-Scoping allows you to use your scope to get more precise shots without obscuring your vision. This can be life-saving when you're going up against enemy Gunners or Tanks that happen to get into your face.

    Just don't do 360s and try to make a montage
    Last edited: August 18, 2011
  3. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Section Five: Match-Ups

    In a game such as Monday Night Combat, Match-Ups are incredibly important, as each class in the game plays a specific role, and losing just one of these classes during a push can be a huge blow to any team. Let's get started!


    The "king" of MNC, the Assault is the most broken, overpowered piece of **** in any shooter to date. He can fly, throw LOLBOMS and charge you out of the arena.

    What to expect: As stated before, the Assault has bombs. These bombs can not only do a nice chunk of damage to you, but can also ring you out if you're not paying attention, so please pay attention. The ASSault also has a grenade launcher, which he can ricochet off of walls. In either case, the ASSault is the best at dislodging the Sniper so that the Gunner/Tank can go unchecked.

    What to do: The Match-Up is really hard, and you'll probably need to call over your ASSault/Gunner for assistance. Just remember that your SMG is incredible at close range and that its RoF rivals the Assault Rifle at said range. Just watch out for charges. Don't go out of your way to do this, but you may be able to get a grapple.

    Advantage: ASSault Counter: Hard Counter Ratio: 70:30


    The Tank and I have been rivals for years. The Tank was always the slow and stupid jock who always got the girl. I wanted Pittgirl to go to the prom with me, but she called me a nerd and went with this guy instead.

    What to expect: A lot of people already know it now, but the Rail Gun is amazing. When the tank isn't busy with bots, he might try to dislodge you with the Rail gun. The tank is a rather special class, because he is uncontested at close range, but also quite deadly at long range as well. Expect product nades, rail guns, and attempts to flank you.

    What to do: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let the Tank get in your face. You will die very painfully. Keep an eye on him and use your ice traps wisely. One of the tanks main jobs is to kill bots, so make him afraid to use him CQC abilities to kill said bots. If he does manage to get in your face, implement quick-scoping to either get the kill or scare him off.

    Advantage: Sniper Counter: Hard Counter Ratio: 70:30


    Ah, the Gunner. Yes, I remember the Gunner quite well. The Gunner was the hawaiian dude, cool as could be, unless provoked by the enemy team. He is big and slow like the tank, but is a deep, profound man.

    What to expect: Clawing, Miniguns, Rape.. that is if you're in his range. The gunner can do very little to you at long range because the miniguns don't do significant enough damage and mortars are easily seen. The Gunner will be fighting for dominance on any given map and trying to slay as much as possible.

    What to do: Make him scared. He's really easy to headshot and should be your main target out there. If you can't get headshots, go for bodyshots. Don't worry, there's no shame in going for bodyshots. As said before, do not let him come into close-mid range or you will die.

    Advantage: Sniper Counter: Hard Counter Ratio: 75-25


    The Support is a weird fellow. He was always interested in his computers than in people. To call him a nerd would be a gross understatement.

    What to expect: There are two types of supports. You have the ones that heal and support their teammates and you have the kill whoring supports that chase with shotguns and stick by their firebases.

    What to do:

    Healing Supports: Expect them to mainly follow their slayer classes and leash them and occasionally put down their firebases to help gain control of an area. You should be trying to get the supports to be scared to leash their players, either through killing them or damaging them severely. As long as you get them to not leash their slayers, you're doing good. If they manage to put down a firebase, flak rapes it, and you can take them out with an easy headshot if they have the gall to try and hack it.

    **** Supports: They'll chase you with a shotgun because they're idiots. Don't let them take you by surprise, or you'll likely die. Just be on the lookout for them and use your ice traps wisely.

    Overall: Treat the Support like the gunner, but he's even more useless at long range.



    Ah yes, my evil twin. Jim here has been a thorn in my side for years; and he was also the Tank's lackey.

    What to expect: Jim will be looking to take you out, to catch you off guard. Jim will also be throwing around Ice Traps and Flak and trying to kill your bots once in a while

    What to do: Body shots... his head is small as **** and you're only going to hit it if you have amazing aim or host. The point is that he won't want to die because that means no ice traps or no heavy counters. Making him scared will give your heavies free reign and allows you to get your ice traps out there.




    What to expect: The Assassin is similar to the support, as there are two different kinds you'll be seeing. There are those that push bots and control the ejectors and annihilator, and the dumb ones that mindlessly go for kills. Both pose very little danger to you if you pay attention

    What to do:

    Assassins: As stated, they will be pushing bots and controlling hazards. Put Ice traps in key locations such as bridges and annihilator locations. Once you get explosive shots, you can do serious damage to assassins trying to push bots with the katana, and you'll force her to be on the run and use her less reliable (BUT STILL GOOD) Shuriken Launcher.

    ASSASSins: Use ice traps, bad assassins will fall for them every time. SMG or hit them with body shots. The kill will be yours. They probably won't go for bots either. Hey, more juice/money for you!

    Advantage: Sniper Counter: Rigid Counter Ratio 100:0
    Last edited: August 18, 2011
  4. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Section Six: Maps

    Or rather Arenas, in which we pros toiled day in and out. Full of bots and traps, it's a hellhole but boy was it fun! I'll tell you about the maps in order from favorite to least favorite.

    Ammo Mule

    My all time favorite, and what I feel is the best map in the game. There are multiple bridges, an underpass, a few nooks, and A DOME. This dome is the most important part of the map, as it is home to the annihilator and the juice machines. In any match, gunners and assaults will fight for control of this dome. You have to help gain control and keep it. Throw Ice Traps near the annihilator and in the entrances to said dome.


    Another good map, this has a tower in the center which is once again home to the annihilator and the juice machines. It also has high walls and long sightlines with platforms. The key here is to control the middle area, which includes not only said tower, but also the high walls. Gunners will be jumping on top of the walls and the tower, so make them your first priority. Once they're gone, keep throwing ice traps at choke points, like the annihilator or near jump pads. This slows down pushes, which can happen quickly because this is such a small map.

    Steel Peel

    This is in the middle because it's hit or miss for me. I would almost call it a larger version of LazoRazor because of the huge tower in the middle. However, this arena is also home to a large circular bridge going through the map and the two elbows at either side. Once you take care of enemy gunners, you need to make sure that you seal off exits with ice traps. Keep putting them at either side of the base, on the bridges, or at the opposing team's elbow.

    Spunky Cola

    Another hit or miss map, Spunky is also very small. The middle is home to the annihilator and the juice machines are in the bases. Right out of the gate, you should throw ice traps to the opposing team's bridge and the bottom middle of the map and the elbows. Spunky is also very fast paced, so making sure you use ice traps and flak is PARAMOUNT to success.

    Grenade III

    I hate Grenade III, period. It's just a bad map, but I have to cover it. This is special because the middle is a platform way below and out of the action, so this isn't what people try to control, but the two bridges on either side. No matter which one you take, you need to make sure you use ice traps like never before. Pay attention to the enemy team because one big push can completely **** a team over. Flak helps a great deal here because it creates an area of denial.

    Section Seven: Endorsements

    MNC has always been the top dog in competitive sports, which is why we have the most endorsements! Here are some different builds you can use.

    My personal build is:

    Gold Armor
    Silver RoF
    Bronze Clip Size

    I use this because I'm a support sniper. I may sacrifice accuracy but I don't go for headshots. I may sacrifice skill recovery but I don't feel that I need it.
    Gold Armor gives you higher survivability and Silver RoF allows you to get more body shots more quickly. A bigger clip allows for less reloads.

    Other great builds:


    Gold Armor
    Silver RoF
    Bronze Accuracy

    You switch clip size for accuracy, which makes more shots land on target. Definitely a solid build, but not my style.


    Gold Armor
    Silver RoF
    Bronze Skill Regen

    More ice traps, but it lowers the gun effectiveness. This is great if you are a BAWS with ice traps and have incredible aim.

    Gold armor is a necessity because you need to survive as long as possible.

    These are just recommendations, you're obviously free to use what you want. Just remember that speed and juice endorsements are worthless. For the love of god, don't use them.

    Section Eight: Conclusion

    That's the end of my guide. If you liked it, then I'm glad, and I hope you use the information provided to better yourself in the art of sniping. If you didn't, tell me why and I'll gladly fix it up. Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: August 18, 2011
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    *1.21 jigawatts.
    *88 Miles per hour.

    Sweet Guide Snack!
  6. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Very nice guide :)
  7. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    I want to comment on this guide.
  8. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Nearly on 500 posts so I also want to comment
  9. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    I didn't know Immortal303 was a Morton's guy. :lol:

    Edit: As for the guide itself, I'm lazy and don't feel like doing writing for it right now... go figure.

    If ya'll really care, I promise it will be done tonight.
  10. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    As a sniper, yes.
  11. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Thanks for the support, Wildman, I think it will be very helpful when I'm done.

    And Immortal is trying way too hard to insult people. At the end of the day, I'll still be in love with him, but my feelings will never be reciprocated.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  12. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Thanks for the back-up, fellas. <3
  13. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    I'm glad I posted before all these motherfuckers disrupted your thread.

    Sweet guide BTW. :)
  14. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Re: I'm going to write my guide again.

    Finally done, give it a read, everyone!

    Attached Files:

  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Nice Sniper Guide! I'll add it to the XBox360 Guide Sticky. :ugeek:
  16. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    @DeadStretch Thank you for not deleting the part where I said motherfuckers. :)
  17. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Bump. I noticed that there are two "no's." The first is obviously Immortal, but who is the second? I want feedback so this guide can evolve over time.
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I haven't voted snack. :lol:

    Now you have at least 3 people who didnt find your guide useful. :shock:

    Just trying to help, wouldn't want you to have your numbers wrong.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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