Sniper and PC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Warskull, January 22, 2011.

  1. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Sniper has always been a powerful class. He has great tools and the ability to take out enemy players from afar. Coming to PC he got a significant boost with the ability to actually aim. However, he feels out of whack on the PC.

    While headshots should be deadly, it feels like a Snipers are heavily encouraged to take RoF and spam bodyshots at players. This is still very effective and can chew through even tanks rather quickly. It is also much, much easier that getting headshots. Most players have already keyed in on the fact that RoF is a huge endorsement for sniper and it does a lot to compensate for sloppy or careless aiming.

    Perhaps the RoF upgrade should be less effective with the Sniper Rifle and Bodyshots/level 3 passive should be somewhat less effective vs players, while retaining the deadliness of headshots. As it stands even a bad Sniper can be a huge nuisance and take a lot of effort to deal with if he takes RoF.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    RoF isn't all too great for long term engagements, anyone bursted to death by a Sniper should wonder about his positioning really
  3. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    ROFL ANOTHER ONE! What does this make, 2-3 sniper threads in a month? I'm just going to lean back and enjoy the discussion going on in here as this one is as sure to be as forgotten as the rest! :lol:
  4. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    You gotta remember, the PC beta has only been out a month.

    And as a general rule of thumb, Snipers are always the hated class. Always.
  5. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Oh yeah you're right, the beta's only been out a month and it's already 3-4 threads! XD
    And you are right, we are hated... It's sad really... When are we going to get some love? :(

    People don't seem to like us very much, although we can be useful teammates, and even then so many says we aren't! :cry:
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I really hate the sniper's high RoF

    A sniper rifle shouldn't be a "spray n pray" weapon
  7. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Perhaps this is why it should be looked into. It is a beta, now's the time to **** around with game balance.
  8. Huff

    Huff New Member

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    Yeah I just played as a gold RoF sniper, this is a bit ridiculous how easily spammable bodyshots are.
  9. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    Not too worried about snipers spamming bodyshots, it's the really talented snipers with gold RoF that take out your team with a bunch of headshots.

    Whenever I come up against snipers that are really good they can just shut down a whole game. No other class really has a presence like that. Thankfully people that good are pretty rare, but man it sure sucks when you go up against players like that.
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    A Beta is not for fiddling with "game balance", game designers balance the game and you play it to make sure it works (in a technical sense, not a balance sense)

    Have a nice day
  11. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Where exactly is it written that beta testing is not for game balance changes? There have already been a large number of balance changes since the beta release.
  12. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    @RoF and Shield are pretty much THE primary gold endorsements for anyone. If you're not using one, you're very likely using the other, regardless of your character.

    That said, if your honest problem in this game are body shots, you desperately need to learn to play.

    Hint: You're not supposed to run straight out in the open while taking fire like a bot. Unless you wanna die as often as bots do.

    Skilled, quickscoping, headshooting snipers are a pain... As is ANY other class that's well played. Remember, the "better aiming on PC" thing, also applies to other classes.

    I haven't played a game where snipers, no matter how good or bad (or even useless in some cases) aren't hated to death by default.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I am wording it this way because people (you know the ones who aren't game designers) cry for balance this, balance that every odd second and it's an itsy bitsy bit annoying by now because usually they don't grasp the implications of their proposed changes nor do they have a single clue about the game in it's entirety but hey carry on SPUF-Style
  14. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    You DO realize that's not affected by this being a beta right? That's how people ALWAYS are.
  15. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    nerf Sniper

    - signed Gunner

  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    As previously said, they've already made some balance changes on account of the console to PC difference, such as tank and gunner jets. It is the only time to screw around with game balance changes, even if they throw them out right after. If so many people on the forums think snipers are not balanced in such a short time, perhaps now is the best time to give them the benefit of the doubt and look into it.

    Assuming everyone is an idiot until proven to agree with you is a bit of a pretentious thing to do. I never said anything unreasonable, I am not proposing some massive patch to "fix snipers" or anything. I'm just saying if they're going to address this, now is the only time it is appropriate.
  17. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Okay let's talk, what is it exactly that the Sniper excels at? Oh right he shoots you in the head when you're in a position where you are perfectly free and open to be shot at.

    Proposal: Get someone to take care of the Sniper and then get in position safely, tada Sniper is no longer the overpowered monster most people believe him to be. Avoidance is a keyword in this, the Sniper is meant to zone you like that.
  18. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Except the issue here is not that he can kill you easily, but how easy it is for people to do effectively the same damage as a headshot by pumping rounds into people from long range where they can't reciprocate. I don't have all that much issue with snipers(except that the level 3 deploy shield on the gunner doesn't appear to stop headshots, which appears to be its intended purpose), but if this much of the community is this convinced he's some kind of win button, I personally think it's worth looking into.
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I believe you did not read what I said, may I request that you read it again repeatedly until you realise that I adressed that concern too?
  20. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Bodyshots do much less damage than headshots. A full clip will not kill a tank or armored gunner. If you stay in his line of sight for 3-4 seconds, you deserve to die. Bodyshot snipers are not dangerous at all.

    This much of the community? Vocal minority =/= majority.

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